Chapter 11 Warning

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After Fall had found her newfound solidity, the meeting room was soon filled with all the Avengers- except Loki. Everyone seemed to be amazed to find the angel looked so simple, but effortlessly beautiful.

Fall shook hands and officially met the Avengers, one-by-one. She smiled a grand total of six times in a row, a new record for her, as she talked to her teammates. Her note-pad was nearly forgotten, but not completely. She placed that in her pocket, not certain if the visibility was permanent or not.

Around noon, Fury walked in.

"What on Earth is going on here?" Fury barked, seeing Fall and walking towards her.

"Hello Fury, it is me, Fall." Fall introduced, cautiously offering a hand.

"I realized. Now, can you turn invisible again? Because on this team, we need team players, and that means you need to earn your keep." Fury stated, crossing his arms. His implication was clear.

"Y-yes, I'm pretty sure this will wear off by tomorrow." Fall stammered out, taking a few steps back from the man and dropping her arm.

"If it doesn't, you will be kicked off this ship. Do I make myself clear?" Fury told Fall, looking at her in a drop-dead-serious way. The other Avengers shifted uncomfortably on their feet.

"Yes, sir." Fall managed to say softly, giving a small nod.

"Good. Now all of you," Nick addressed the Avengers, "have a job to do. Apparently another little clean-up job requires our attention. We had thought all our problems were just an after-effect of Loki's attack, but our intelligence says otherwise. Turns out, we have to face another problem, coming from a team of rather unreasonable aliens that insist on treading through our cities. Get suited and ready to leave. Not you Fall, you're grounded."

Everyone started to move, and Fall nodded sadly. Fury debriefed everyone about the events of yesterday, explaining that Runt was an alien parasite that had preyed on the massive floating death-worms that invaded the city. Fall barely listened as everyone bustled around her and started to leave.

Before she knew it, Fall was running out of the meeting room. She slammed her door behind her as she ran into her room, hands clenching and feeling lost. She felt ready to cry. Fall leaned on the wall and slid down to a sitting position, trying to gather what had just happened.

If I can't become invisible, I'm useless to them. Fall took a deep breath, looking around the small room. Runt crawled out from under the bed, purring like a motor and rubbing against her leg. With an idle hand, she pet him, letting her thoughts wander.

Loki hugged me, I got grounded from the team, and I have a giant-worm-eating pet. Fall summarized her day, scratching Runt behind his ears. She got up and changed into a white dress and wrapped herself in her semi-loose trench coat, her one and only, before sitting on her bed.

Fall's thoughts cleared, and she felt cleaner, reasoning with herself that everything would be fine. But, everything was not "fine", and it had nothing to do with what had happened in the meeting room. Fall stood up, feeling like dread perched on her shoulders- something was messing with her angelic sense and urging her to get to Loki. She picked up Runt, deciding to try something. She closed her eyes and concentrated, her dress and trench coat becoming visible only to her. She became invisible, and even Runt in her arms was transparent.

There where no shocked gasps or looks when Fall stepped into the hall, and the angel concluded her powers worked. There was the distant sound of starting engines, and she broke into a run towards the helipad. She dodged through the hallways, carrying Runt with her, heart racing and every part of her yelling to get to Loki.

With untamed speed, Fall burst out of the crowded halls and onto the deck of the S.H.I.E.L.D. carrier, running towards the jet that was about to close its doors. She flung herself forwards, sliding in at the last moment, sliding in on her side and then breathing heavily as she picked herself and her invisible pet up. The chopper started to whirl, and Fall relaxed. She had made it onto the plane, and Loki would be okay.

She checked her surroundings, not seeing the Avengers. A loud groan nearly escaped her lips, as she realized she was in the cargo plane- one of the two following the Avengers. Three planes in all, and Fall got on the last one, but thankfully the feeling of dread had left her shoulders.

With nothing to be done, and nearly a day's flight to sit through, Fall moved herself and Runt cozily behind some covered cargo. She checked over the parcels around her, finding equipment for another camp like the one set up beside the sand hole earlier. She pulled out a sleeping bag, laying it out, mindful to not be making noise. She did not need a pilot checking back on her.

Comfortable and with Runt beside her, the two settled down. Fall summoned her blue pad, typing with one hand, the other petting her little beastie. Nothing seemed to change on the pad, but the extra miracle was gone. She knew why. She was grateful. Yet, she did not risk an extra for today.

Despite Fury's belittling, Fall knew today was one of the best of her life. Laying back, she settled down, and held Runt to her. The occasional turbulence did nothing to wake her as she slowly slipped into a dream.

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