Chapter 33 - Insanity Avoided

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Fall yelled in protest as she was dragged past cells full of horrible looking criminals, a dry thunk echoing as she was tossed in a room, the sudden brightness blurring her vision. She blinked it away, her eyes adjusting, before looking around.

She sucked in a shaky breath, looking around the small white cell, her ears suddenly ringing and a massive headache starting, the familiarness of the room was terrifying. Fall tried to breath, her breath coming in short bursts as she felt like she was choking on air and her head was starting to pound like a drum.

A whimper escaped her mouth as she backed against a wall and looked around at the decor of the room, her heart beating in her chest as something clicked. Fall closed her eyes and let out a scream as her memory flooded back, covering her face with her hands.

"Someone! Let me out please!" She called out, pressing her legs to her chest in the small white room, the same room where her nightmares came from as the room pushed one to the brink of insanity. The light in the cell turned off, leaving her in inky darkness. Pressing herself to the wall she could here the screams of a few other caged beings, filled with pain an loss and confusion, echoing down the halls and making it to her little cell. The same one she and Loki had shared. It was the same one, except she was fully alone.

She sat on the floor for who knows how long, curled up in a ball and light tears falling down her face onto the floor.

A tall guard laughed as he came in and looked Fall up and down. "Hey there." He said charmingly, approaching Fall slowly. Fall knew what the guards did. This one would not be given any mercy as rage flared inside her, knowing that many innocent girls were locked in cells simply because they were pretty.

"Back off." Fall hissed, getting up off the floor and raising to her full height, pressing against the wall.

"Ouch. Now why would you talk that way? All I want is to offer you a deal. A night out of the box for a night of fun for me." He offered, getting uncomfortingly close.

Fall slapped him and walked to the other side of her cell, plopping down against the other wall and crossing her arms. "Never."

The guard whipped towards her furiously. "You little bitch!" He yelled, walking across the cell and pinning her arms to the wall. "This is a prison, and what I say goes!"

"Go die in a hole." Fall yelled at him, kicking him as hard as she could in his 'area' and as he crumpled to the floor she kicked him in the face for good measure, giving him a well deserved nosebleed.

Two guards came in and grabbed her arms and tossed her against the opposite wall before grabbing their comrade and leaving, one calling out, "Give her a week and she'll be begging like the others."

Fall knew that was true. She had been here long enough to know. If only there was something she could do to pass the time and keep her sanity....

Fate gave her that. A faint beeping sound alerted her that the blue square hasn't been updated in more than a month. Quickly making it appear and typing on it, a familiar cold washed over her as she became invisible, checking over everything on the blue square. The passages she was supposed to write had filled themselves in, and the faint light of the tablet gave her a little reassurance.

So, trapped in the dark, she swiped back to the day she got her memories blocked and began to read what Loki had done, the darkness no longer daring to bother her as she filled herself in about what Loki had done while she couldn't remember who she was.

Hopefully she could get out and make it up to him.


Ellos! I'd like to thank all you lovely readers out there and encourage you to vote if you think the chapters are good, comment on or about anything, and share this with any of your friends that may like marvel. Or Loki.

I was also wondering if you guys would like me to hint on any ships that you might like, such as Clintasha or anything like that. (I strongly dislike Clintasha they are too much like brother and sister.)

Also, give me ideas! I love hearing your thoughts and squeal when I see the word commented on my notices page.

Just some ideas on this relatively short chapter!


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