Chapter 31 - Confused Glances

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Okay. I found out I use many synonyms for my chapter names. All well. Enjoy!

Fall watched Thor eat through 7 boxes of pop tarts, her eyebrows raised and surprise on her face as the Asguardian ate all of them within minutes. She blinked twice, disbelieving, at the now empty patter where they once were.

"Are you going to eat that?" Thor asked her, pointing at the single pop tart that she had planned to eat. Fall shook her head, handing over the rectangular pastry and sat down in an chair she liked, glancing around the room with glass walls overlooking the clouds below the helicarrier and the smoothed and polished oak wood table with its nine different, and personalized, chairs and spacious surroundings, causing a minibar tucked in the corner stand out.

Loki found it hard to be in the room with her. She wasn't the same, she didn't remember anything, and it hurt to see her confusedly glance over at him before shaking her head and looking away. Tony had assured him that it would pass and she'd remember everything, but he couldn't tell Loki exactly how long it would take.

Fall, still thinking she was Kale, was beginning to become confused. She was given a room and took it happily, the soft material of the bed way better then the rock-hard army like cot that everyone slept in at Desolation. The only downside to this room was when she plopped down on the bed, she found a small beast jumping onto her back and nuzzling her, which she immediately flung off across the room and started cursing at it. After a while of someone called a guy named named Clint to explain it was a 'Contail' and it was from another world, also that it was her pet, she calmed down and hesitantly petted the thing, now very sorry that she had tossed it across the room.... Though she stayed off the floor as much as she could when it came out from under the bed.

"Thanks, uh, Clint." She said, smiling at the kind gentleman as he left the room.

A familiar person crossed out in the hallway, and Fall's face became one of confusion as she looked after the man in his cape, black clothes, and nice hair. A nagging at the back of her head told her to follow him and talk to him, but she shook away those thoughts, going back to look at the stuff she was told that was hers. Well, Fall's.

She took a trench coat off the door handle and read the tag~ I owed you a new coat. Signed, Natasha. (Yay trench coat reacquired!)

Fall thought a moment, thinking that this person must have horribly destroyed a trench coat just like the one she was holding at one point, an shrugged, putting the coat on and looking at herself in the closet mirror, the nagging at the back of her head becoming harder to ignore. Why did the coat look so... Right?

She fluffed out the collar and looked around, seeing two plastic bowls beside the dresser a few feet away from her, a box of.... sand? Beside it, canceling any deeper thought into the matter of the trench coat.

Fall looked out into the hallway which was becoming empty as the agents busied themselves with their jobs, leaving her to figure out what to do, and no help from the busy agents. After a while of debating and searching and not finding a litter box, she scooped some sand into the bowl and hopped up on her bed, peering down in interest as the little beast ran over to the bowl and ate the sand, surprising Fall but at the same time making sense to her..... Somehow. She got confused thinking about it.

After a while she walked out into the hallway, only to turn around and walk back in when she saw the man in the cape.... Nope nope nope.... Loki, she thought, the name popping into her head as she closed the door behind herself. She stopped and thought about the name, popping in her head out of nowhere. Stealing up all the calm she could muster, she walked out into the hall, deciding to walk the direction that Loki was coming from.

She smiled at him as they passed in the hallway, walking for a few feet before looking over her shoulder and confusedly looking at him disappear, knowing somehow, she knew that man and she wanted to know more about him.
She shook her head, clearing her thoughts and walked on down the hallway, giving herself a personal tour of the hangar, unknowing of the pain that it caused Loki to see her in a trench coat again.

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