15 - Waking Up

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A voice like tiny bells called to him in the depths of the sea of darkness he floated in. Slowly it pulled him toward it. He didn't fight. It seemed familiar, almost like it was his reflection in the mirror calling to him – although that didn't really make sense, since he couldn't really see...

Harry opened his eyes slowly and had to blink several times to bring the dimly lit room into focus. A snowy hand came into his line of sight and gently caressed his face.


He opened his mouth to reply but nothing came out.

"Hush, Luv." Lucius' voice wrapped around his mind like a warm flannel, "You were badly injured, don't force yourself to speak."

Harry tried to turn his head, wanting to see his mates' faces, but it wouldn't move. He tried to move his hands and nothing, then his feet and still nothing.

A panicked squeak finally escaped him and Lucius moved into his vision, concern stamping his features.

"Shhh, My Love. It's alright. The paralysis is only temporary. Now that you are awake it should pass in a few days."

The Gryffindor tried to blink away his tears but they escaped anyway, sliding slowly down his cheeks.

"Oh, Harry." Tom's voice was so sad. The bed dipped on his right and his Drake sat facing him, their hips touching. Tom then took Harry's limp hand into his own and lifted it to his lips. The younger man closed his eyes in relief – he could feel the gentle pressure, the soft skin of his mate's mouth. "Trust in us Luv, and relax. Let us take care of you and you concentrate on taking care of our baby."

Lucius had crawled onto the bed, mirroring Tom's position on the bed, and taken his other hand before the meaning of those words sunk in.

Harry's eyes went wide.

His mates chuckled.

"Harry Potter – I think you will continue to confound us all the rest of our days," Tom mused.

Unable to respond in any other way, Harry stuck his tongue out.

Tom swooped down and sucked the offending appendage into his mouth. The kiss was like nothing they had ever shared before. Harry could feel his mate's pain and fear...and relief. He couldn't move into the kiss the way he wanted, so he had to rely on his lips and tongue to reassure the older man – even if he wasn't sure about anything himself.

He gasped, silently, when he felt Lucius join the fray. The blonde went for Harry's neck – Harry's highly sensitive neck; licking, sucking, and biting.

Harry's eyes rolled back in his head as Tom released his mouth, letting him gasp for air, and began licking and nibbling his way down the younger man's body, pushing away the heavy blankets as he went.

Merlin he wanted them, but he couldn't tell them...

"We can feel you Harry," Lucius breathed into his ear, "feel what you need." Teeth tugged his ear lobe, "And what our mate needs, we must provide."


When he woke again his mates were fully dressed once again and sitting in a pair of wing chairs next to his bed, talking quietly. He tried to turn his head, but again nothing happened, although a raspy sound of disgust managed to emerge drawing the two Slytherins' attention.

"Welcome back, Luv," Lucius purred, "you were out for almost twenty-four hours this time." The blonde stood and came to the bed, running his hands over Harry's forehead and cheeks. "I was beginning to think we had finished what the explosion started."

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