Chapter 4

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I guess Cupid knew what he was doing. Was that accident on purpose or was that accident actually an accident? -k


Breath. Bella. breath.

When I stepped into the building I knew everything would go south. My heart started beating fast. My hands were trembling. My breathing was staggering and unsteady. And what a predicted what will happen. Happened. The teacher handed us the paper. I flipped my paper over and....


"Mrs Gabriel? Language!"

"No no no no!?! T-twenty n-nine??"

My teacher gave me that see me after class look

"Bruh... A 29 THOUGH?!"

"This is Ap geometry Bella. This was never going to be easy."

I took a deep breath. Smiled sarcastically and turned around and went to my seat. I studied my ass off! Every day for a WHOLE hour. Am I doing something wrong? Am I studying wrong? Is she not teaching right or is- my thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of 1st periods bell.

I trudged down the hallway giving everyone that "bitch-if-you-bump-into-me-we're-gonna-have-a-problem-look" I stormed into the bathroom pacing back and forth...

"HOW? Urghhh! Like why do I have to fail that damned test? a 29...a 29....A TWENTY-MOTHERFUCKING-NINE?!?"

"Having fun there?"

A scream escaped my mouth as I was panting with my hand over my chest.

"Whyyy are you in the girl's bathroom creep!??"

"Sorry, darling but did you happen to read the sign outside of the door...My native language is Russian what's your excuse?" He said cocking his head to the side letting his shaggy black hair fall on his face as he leaned against a wall. -I think he called me darling because I was wearing a white shirt that said 'call me darling' in red. anyway besides the point-

I narrowed my eyes at him giving him a slight human-like growl. I watched him reach into his pocket and pull out a box of cigarettes and took one at lit it on fire. As soon as my brain perceived the fact that he was smoking I run up and snatch the cigarette from his mouth and stomped on it.

"Are you crazy?"

"Man...what a waste," he said lifting his gaze from the crushed cigarette and returned it to me. As he steps closer I sized him up stepping back.

"29 on a test?" He peered closer leaning down to my height. "Pathetic"

I felt my body get hot from the embarrassment. Did he hear all of that?

"And w-who the hell do you think you are!?"I said stepping back every time he stepped closer until I was backed up against the wall

"I am Noa-...the Russian guy who's gonna help you with your poor grade. Math am I correct?"

"I don't need your-"

"Yes you do... most freshmen have trouble with algebra 1" he said standing up straight again making him way taller than me.

"No, I took algebra 1 a year early," I said rolling my eyes "I have AP geometry," I said with more sass than necessary but who gives a shit

"Ahhh...da da da well if you need help shout," he said lighting another cigarette on his way out

Ha I never got his name


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