Chapter 1: School Band

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"Hey did you heard about it, they say that they will have an school band this year." Claire said. "I can finally give them a thing on how good I am playing flute."
"I don't know, Mrs.Jena said she wasn't sure about it, she was the head music teacher."Her friends said.

Me and Tom are just sitting on the other table at the library and seriously not caring about their stuffs. We are already in second year in Aimworth middle school and we already know a thing or two about this school and it's all about torture.

I always heard parents talking while walking and saying that Aimworth middle school is a great middle school and that's because of the quality education or whatever. When dad told me about this school a long time ago, it really caught my attention but I ended up regretting it and here I am now, trapped.

Aimworth middle school always ban playing flute in their campus and they say that it was irritating to their staffs and we students aren't really believing that reason......
And it's really been getting mysterious.

They started telling rumors that in this school, monster will come out in your flute if you play it which not really to be believed. Tom began trying to catch my attention.

"Jean, there was a rumor my brother said about something about the school band, he said that there was no school band for 16 years and the last band was 16 years ago." Tom said.

"His batch said that something happened in the woodwind section and it includes suicide they say."

"I don't believe in rumors anymore, it gave me an embarrassing moment and I don't want to repeat it." I said, trying to finish the comic of whatever they had on this library. "And why believe your brother, you said he was always being rough to you." I said.

"Yeah but, he was always serious about rumors and his batch says that many commit suicide and this school was closed and was reopened after a year." Tom said.

"You really believe in....." I suddenly felt my eyes getting heavier and began to be sleepy and the next thing I know, I'm asleep.

I wake up standing on a high place, wondering where am I when suddenly there was a big commotion down. It was really raining so hard and the sky is so dark and even my surroundings. I realize I'm on top of the main building of my school. Before I go straight to see what's going down there. I noticed a thing beside me, a thing. A bloody flute

I suddenly snapped awake and stood up. Tom was there looking at me and I realize that I'm in the library again. "Um, what's up with that..... thing after you waked up?"

I ignore him but didn't stop realizing the frightened look at my face. No, don't mind it, it was just a dream. I keep saying it in my mind.

"So..... are you just gonna stand there."Tom asked. I ignore him again, this time facing to the table of Claire and her friends. Was it the past or.....
will it happen soon.

"So do you want to stay h-"

"No, I'm out." I replied. Grabbing my bag on my way out.
Before I open the door for my exit, I asked him one last question.

"By the way, how did they know about it."

"Um, he said that a staff or a teacher told his batch."

"A staff or a teacher." thinking it deeply. I didn't think more about it, I quickly open the door to go home and there I will think more about it.

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