Chapter 4: Shivering thoughts

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Mr. Jino throw a chalk at my downed head. " No sleeping in my class got it and also you Tom."

We sit up yawning but I slowly recovering what's my plan. The things I will say will surely mindblocked Mr.Roy.

He was teaching the history of this school with only 20 minutes and it will not be graded so it was really much of a sleeping class.

"Our school won many awards because of the school band 17 years ago and some athletes of our school came home with many medals from outside the country 13 years ago."
Mr. Jino said proudly.

This is the time, I raised up my hand to ask a question.

"What is it Jean."

" I'm just wondering, did you mentioned something about "16 years ago" while I was asleep."

Tom looked liked he know what I'm talking about.

Now everyone in the class was already asking to each other of why doesn't Mr Jino tell us something about 16 years ago.

"Um..... Oh yeah I remembered, there's  no award that year, yeah that's it hahaha." He said with a shivering laugh.

" Um, but all the staff in this school said that no year in this had no award that means that Aimworth school had many awards every single year."

This time I got him trapped. Mr. Jino didn't answer he just stoop up there while all the students are murmuring.

But of course that bell has to ring.
"Okay, it's your lunchtime now right so.... Go have some fun in the cafeteria." Mr. Jino said without answering my question.

Yeah, but the cafeteria is always crowded.

"Tom we gotta talk." I said, because I really need a partner on this investigation that I think it might involved murdering.

"Do we have to." Tom replied.

Before we got out of the class, Mr. Jino look at me for the last time saying it in his mind: how does Jean know about it, I need to report this.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure they're after me and if I'm talky, they will silence me.

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