Chapter 3: Risa

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It was raining so hard and here I am again, on top of the main building. I noticed the bloody flute again but this time, down there was ambulance all over down and was roaring all over the school. I try to have a peek at it from the top but I only see people with umbrella and slowly gathering to an area to see what's going on. The last thing I saw is medical staff quickly coming out of the ambulance.

I woke up lying on the floor, sitting up to feel my concious again. It's been 3 days since I've been woking up like this. I must have always fall down from my bed and mysteriously don't wake up after I fall down.

"Wonder what time it is, I must be late again." I said. I still manage to remember the plan and what I'm going to do this morning. I quickly got dressed and headed downstairs.

"Not taking breakfast." Dad asked with his laptop on the table. Mom was always in the attic every morning trying to fix things up even though its very dark up there.

"I'm going to do something." I replied while I wear my shoes and grab my bag along the way.

My neighbor, Mat is always using the school bus and I think I can just tag along.

"I thought you said you would never ride the bus again." Mat asked while we were waiting for the school bus to arrive.

"I just need to fix things up." I replied, suddenly remembered the reason why I don't want to ride the bus anymore, it's because I made a promise that will never take the bus until I have a time to get answers for the bloody flute inside the bus and I think I hid it somewhere around the backseat.

The school bus arrived and we get in. The first thing I do is to sit  behind the driver because I'm need some answers for my plan. I put down my bag and began questioning.

"So what happened in this bus a long time ago." I asked.

"What are you talking about ki-

"I'm talking about 16 years ago."

The driver suddenly realized what I'm talking about. I can look at his face expression in the rearview mirror and still pretending that he didn't know a thing about it.

"I don't know what your talking about ki-

I stood up and head to the backseats, get the bloody flute from where I hid it a long time ago and return to my seat.

"I'm talking about this." showing him the flute with dried blood all over it.  

He finally admit it. "Please don't let the students see this I will explain it."

I put down it and luckily no one saw it.

"So what is this all about."

He sighed before explaining it.
"16 years ago, I'm the bus driver that day, it's morning and I go to the last area before I drive them all to school.
This girl Risa gets in and headed to backseat with no people, I noticed that she was shivering and had a frightened look at her face.

"What happened next." I asked.

He paused for a moment and started talking again. "She cut her wrist while holding her flute with a cuter and we don't know about it until we were in school and by that time we know about it, it was already too late."

"She left a note before she die and the people around me at that time read it the same time."
"it's written there: PLEASE SAVE ME."

I smiled, knowing that what Tom said wasn't really just a rumor but I really should avoid smiling at people's death.

"Does someone commit suicide before it." I asked.

The driver didn't answer. " Listen kid, I'm ordered not to tell you about the secret that we staffs and teachers are covering for years."

"Yeah, you just said that you and the staffs have a secret and you all are covering for years and you were probably ordered by the principal not tell us, that was some information."

"I really spilled the beans, anyway this will get me in big trouble and don't asked me questions again smart kid."

"Just answer the last question."

"I told you, don't ask me your questions again."

"But the question: does someone commit suicide before it, is asked before you told me you would not accepted my questions anymore."

Smiling and thinking: I got him.

"Alright, alright there is someone who commit before Risa, period, I'm not answering questions again so bug off."

I sat back and in deep thinking again. This was getting more serious and more serious.

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