1. Beginning

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Today I got married after finding out something that shocked me. In the morning, my mother was with me, helping me with the dress, the make-up and the hair-do. I refused to hire stylists for this, my mother is the best and she knows what I like, so I preferred to stick with her. As I fixed myself in the mirror, I noticed that my mother was teary-eyed, so I turned around.

-Mom, don't cry, today is a happy day!- I told her to prevent her from crying.
-Oh, I know, I know, but you look so beautiful in that dress, you're a grown up woman now- She said still looking at my reflection in the mirror.
-Mom, I've been a grown up woman for long, don't you think?- I told her with a smile.
-Yeah, but today even more... I still remember when you were a kid and had your first kiss...- She said chuckling and I opened my eyes wide.
-When I was a kid?! I remember my first kiss was when I was like eighteen, what are you talking about, mom?- I was so confused.
-You don't remember???- She asked.
-I don't think so.-


When I was six years old, my father loved family trips. We were always traveling from one state to another, from one country to another, from one continent to another. I was very young, so I barely remember the first years. My teenage years were far more memorable. One day, my parents wanted to go to the Chinese Great Wall, so they booked a flight to China. When we were at the airport, we had to arrive very early as it was an international flight. I was really bored, but my father found a playground area for kids, so he took me there.

I played so much, there were slides and swings and many things that all my boredom went away. I spent around half an hour playing with other kids, until they had to leave. I found myself alone again, but I heard a sound coming from under one of the slides. I approached it carefully, and saw there was another kid still there, I didn't see him before though.

-Hi, what's your name?- I asked him very cheerfully, but he didn't reply. -Can you understand me?- I asked again but still no reply. He looked at me as if I were crazy.

I pulled his arm, I wanted to play with him, why was he hiding and not playing? He finally spoke, but in a language I didn't understand. So I just nodded at him like saying "sure", and carried him to the swings. We played together for a while. Where were his parents? I couldn't see them anywhere, maybe they were busy with the check-in? But how could they leave him there?

I waved at my parents, and they waved back, smiling when they saw I was playing with that boy. The boy started laughing as we went higher in the swings, his laugh was so cute. When he stopped, I held his hand and made him run beside me to the sand zone. He didn't want to enter, but I made him. He got sand everywhere, I laughed at him because he seemed worried, why couldn't he be careless? Enjoy!

After making a mess with the sand, I heard my parents calling for me.

-Aly, please come here, we have to go, say bye to your friend.- My mom said.

I looked at the boy, he was smiling, obviously he didn't understand what my parents said. I hugged him to let him know that I was leaving, he was so uncomfortable, it was funny and cute, I don't know why, but I squished his cheeks and kissed him on the lips. I heard my parents shouting.

-ALY STOP!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?- My father said as he ran to the playground. The boy was frozen. Then I heard his parents shouting too, in that language I didn't know, but they were also laughing... I saw a flash from a camera and stopped kissing the boy, his face was so red.
-Goodbye!!- I said giggling leaving him behind, and held my father's hand.
-You can't do that Aly, you can't kiss boys until you're older- He said. I passed by his parents, but didn't see their faces, I just heard my mom apologizing to them, and then we left to board the plane.

At least I made his parents go to him, right? Where were they before? Anyways, I was sad because I didn't know his name, and I never saw him again. That cute little boy.

*End of Flashback*

-Mom- I said a bit shocked.
-Tell me, sweety- She said holding the my dress.
-I ...I think I remember now... - I stuttered.
-What, your real first kiss?- She giggled.
-Yeah, hold on... do you remember the kid?- I asked her. She shook her head.
-Sorry baby, I have a terrible memory for faces, why?-
-I remember his parents took a picture of us, I want to make sure of something...- I grabbed my dress and started walking around the room, looking for an old photo album...

I found one that said the year of our trip. I opened it, looking for the picture, there were many pictures I had never seen in my life, until bam! I found it! "OH.MY.GOD. This can't be, it's impossible... this is crazy". I showed the picture to my mother, we were both shocked.

-It was him-

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