8. Maknaes

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During the concert, I was completely shocked. First, because of Lay's solo. Wow! just brilliant! He looked so excited to finally sing his own song, his face was shining during the entire performance. His English was very accurate, I felt very proud of him. The other guys' solos were brilliant as well, it was amazing how they all were able to show their talents individually.

When they danced "Thunder", a song I didn't see at the rehearsal, Lay had to be on the left side of the stage, exactly where I was, he looked at me in the eye, I gave him an eye smile, but I felt my face turning red as a tomato. Why was I feeling like that because of him? He was just my student, yes, I was younger than him, but he was still my student, I had to erase that feeling from my body.

I had known Lay for a few months now, and he was really shy and with a sweet personality. But when I saw him dancing on stage he was a completely different person. He was...sexy. When I saw him dancing the way he did, I got goosebumps all over my body, of course, I had seen him dancing before, I mean, I saw him dancing just a few hours before the concert, rehearsing, but it was totally different. They danced another song that I didn't see at the rehearsal, it was "My Lady", when I saw all the guys lying on the floor and thrusting in the air, I felt shy myself, I wondered how could they dance that way in front of all that people.

All kinds of thoughts came to my mind during that performance. Not very appropiate thoughts, I have to admit. So I felt guilty again. LAY WAS MY STUDENT, AND I HAD A BOYFRIEND. I tried to avoid looking at him, I tried to look at the other members, but my eyes always ended up looking at his reflection. Oh, yes, they were lying on the floor making sexy moves in front of a mirror that was hanging above them...and above the mirror there was a screen showing a beautiful girl "looking at them"... I could see all their facial expressions, they seemed to enjoy it very much, but I was just suffering right there, and I guess there were a lot of girls there who were suffering too because of that sensual demonstration. Most of them were screaming excitedly, but I know some of them were feeling like me, shocked.

When the concert ended, I waited until all the fans left the venue. Well, I had a special pass to get to the waiting rooms, but I didn't want to go straight to talk to the guys right after the concert, they needed to shower, change clothes and relax. Thus, I waited for about half an hour, until I got a text from Lay.

~Aly! Where are u?~

Why did he want to see me so soon? Well, I just replied I was going backstage, and went there. I found Lay, Suho and D.O sitting at the waiting room. They were eating some food the staff served them, they really seemed very hungry, of course, they probably burned all the calories they had in their bodies after all those hours singing and dancing.

-Aly! Where were you? Why didn't you come sooner?- Lay asked as soon as he saw me. I widened my eyes. - I mean, you didn't have to be all alone out there...- He added. I heard Suho chuckled.
-Hi guys! I just thought you needed some space... the concert was amazing guys! I can't believe you can do all of that... it's truly amazing, I have to say I admire your hard work so much.- I told them with a smile, as Suho guided me to sit next to them.
-Thank you so much Aly, we couldn't do any of this if it weren't for our fans... they're our pilar. - Suho said, Lay and D.O nodded while chewing their food. Suho's words were very touching, they really loved their fans so much.
-Aly, eat something, you must be hungry too, come on- D.O suggested, showing me all the food.

I shyly grabbed a couple of buns that were on the table. I noticed Lay was about to say something, when the door opened and Luhan entered.

-Guys, I need to talk to you- He said in a very deep voice. He looked very serious. I didn't meet him before so I looked at Lay, Suho and D.O, kind of lost, I didn't know what to do, introduce myself? Awkwardly get out of the room?
-Is there something wrong?- Suho said while getting up. Luhan didn't answer.

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