4. I'm Aly

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Two years had passed and felt I was ready to start dating again. I met a handsome Chinese guy called WeiFen, during New Year's holidays in Shanghai in December 2013, I was back in China once again. He was very different from my ex, and I liked it. He was very out-going and he loved to dance. He told me he was attending dancing classes in Korea, at "Kasper's dance studio", apparently he was a choreographer for k-pop groups. I didn't know anything about that, because I wasn't into k-pop, it was a very weird genre for me.

So after New Year's celebrations ended in January 2014, I went with him to Korea, and stayed there for a few days. I visited him at the studio, and saw how everyone practiced so hard, I felt useless sitting there, how could they have so much energy? I met his teacher Kasper, after one of the dancing lessons; he was very sweet and gentle. I had no clue about Korean, but he spoke to me in English, he did his best.

-So tell me Aly, do you like to dance?- Kasper asked me, his accent was very cute.
-Oh, no no no. I can't dance, I can't...- I responded with a nervous laugh - I'm just an English teacher, back in my country, I live in Florida.
- Woah! You're an English teacher? Why don't you teach here? - He suggested very excitedly. - Hold on a second... if I'm not mistaken, they were looking for an English teacher at SM, I can recommend you if you want. - He added. I screamed internally. It was my dream to live in another country, I had just graduated from college and the only job I had was at some small school in a small town in Florida.
-Really!? That would be great! Do you mind if I give you my CV?- I asked him, trying to hold my nervous voice.
- Sure, send it to me, and I will give it to Mr. SooMan. - He said confidently.
- Who is Mr. SooMan?- I asked clueless. Again, I didn't know anything about k-pop.
- He's the founder of SM Entertainment... don't you know what it is?- He asked giggling. I shook my head. - It's a very famous company, they have many famous idol groups, you don't like k-pop? - He asked again.
- Not really, it's not my style...- I replied. He chuckled.
- Alright, well, then send me your CV, alright?- He said as he patted my shoulder and left the room.

My boyfriend and I went to his apartment and sent the CV to Kasper. He called me the next day saying that Mr. SooMan wanted to see me. Thus, I went to SM's building, it was so big. I greeted Mr. SooMan and introduced myself.

-So, Aly, do you really speak Chinese? - He asked me very seriously.
- Yes sir, I studied it around 5 years. I always travel to China, and my boyfriend is Chinese. - I nodded.
- Oh you have a boyfriend. Perfect then. I think you're the right one for this job. See, there's a Chinese idol here in my company, I see a big, not big, huge potential in him, and I want him to expand his knowledge, he wants to compose a short song in English, but I believe you can help him with more future songs... and he also will need to speak English in public, do you think you can help him?- He said, looking at me meticulously.
- Of course, sir. I can focus on anything you tell me. I will do my best. - I replied.

He stood up, and told me to wait for a few minutes. He called someone on the phone, and then he told me to go with him somewhere. He reached a door that said "EXO practice room". He opened the door, and a thin, yet handsome looking guy was standing in the middle of the room. He immediately bowed at me:

-Ni hao, I'm Aly, your English teacher- I told him, bowing my head a little.
-Ni hao, I'm Lay...nice to meet you- he replied -I'm sorry, but have we met before? - he asked, I frowned trying to think.
-I don't think so... but maybe we've seen each other at Kasper's studio? I'm dating one of his Chinese students... - I replied. He also sounded familiar to me, but since he was an idol, I thought that maybe I had seen him on tv or something.
-Oh... that might be it- he said nodding.

We chatted for a while, and he told me about his ideas for the song he wanted to write. As weeks passed, I realized teaching him was the most fun I had ever had. He was so cute and sometimes a bit dense for daily stuff, but I'm sure he didn't realize he was like that. He tried to do his best at everything, he had such a charming personality. Maybe we could become great friends.

My boyfriend WeiFen was also improving a lot thanks to Kasper. Although he didn't want to be an idol, his only passion was dancing, so he stuck with that.

A few months later, Lay told me he wrote something for his song. He showed it to me, and I told him it was too simple, but when he showed me the music he was arranging, I thought that it suited the song perfectly. When he recorded the vocals, he showed it to Mr. SooMan. I waited at the practice room for him, so he could tell me if SooMan approved it or not.

When he entered running, I knew the meeting with Mr. SooMan had gone alright. He suddenly hugged me, I felt really weird, he had never hugged me before. I immediately blushed. I saw his face as he stopped hugging me, and he was blushing as well. I was right, SooMan approved his song. I felt really happy for him, even though I didn't help him that much, I knew he could become a fluent speaker soon.

A couple of weeks later, he came to me with a very sad face.

- Good morning Lay, what happened?- I asked worried. He pouted, with those plump lips of his.
- My group just received terrible news... one of our members is leaving... - He said. I didn't know his group mates, because I was supposed to be his private teacher, Mr. SooMan wanted me to know as less as possible about the rest... apparently being a girl working for a boy group was a weird thing.

I tried to comfort Lay, telling him encouraging words, I didn't  know what to say, but everything came from my heart. I told him to think about Kris's personal reasons, and how he must've felt. I was able to change his mood a little bit. He asked me to go with the group to their tour, so I could help them when they needed it. Of course, I agreed right away, I even forgot I wouldn't see my boyfriend for a long time because of that.

I was sure it was going to be worth it.

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