Julian Slink

97 3 13

I try not to think of colonel sanders as I look at the man at the other end of the ridiculously long meeting table but can't help it and let out a small snicker.

"Something funny Slink" says colonel sanders I mean old man Heart.

I shake my head, he just glares shakes his head and slides a folder over my way.

"We need new more exciting racers, though we want some of them alive, there's some that are more troublesome than entertaining and I want you to take care of them, there is also a list of potential new racers." He continues to say, I nod acting like I care what he says and open the folder and instantly names pop out at me: Grace, Arthur, Christopher (he's not even in the race, I think to myself), sex bot aki (again not in the race), and the Scholar. And last but not least Rasher (that makes my chest hurt a little), I close the folder and look up and notice their not even paying attention to me at all anymore, I can feel my blood boiling but I bite my tongue. But imaging stabbing them all one by one over and over again before throwing them in a blood engine.

"Why are you still here?" Colonel Sanders says. Breaking up my day dream, he will be first I think, I make a face and stand up to leave

"Oh and slink if you fail your feeding the engines" the colonel says, I just leave not wanting to give him more satisfaction.

Opening the blood gate I step through into the old west or Red River, as long as the Scholar is here it doesn't matter.

Twirling my cane I go straight for the sheriff office and look through the window and notice it's the rebel leader sitting at the desk, not wanting to deal with morons I go to the saloon, and there he is The Scholar sitting at a back booth, Alone, interesting, no matter I think and let the knife slide out of my hand, I'm about to go give showy hello when he runs up to me and wraps his arms around me.

"Get me out of here Slink, even if it's in death, please I'll do anything" I stand there arms at my side not knowing what to do then the tears start

"I wasn't up for being shariff I gave it up and than my boyfriend said I was useless and dumped me" he cries

God it would only take a swift and gesture and this knife in his throat to kill him, but something inside me stops me and to my own surprise I retract the knife and put one hand on his back.

"Why don't you come with me ive got people to visit" I say, he takes a step back and looks at me wiping at his tears. He looks a little hesitant a little scared which I can lie gave me a nice tingling feeling but eventually he nodded.

"Good" I say and grab his arm and and relocate us to near the scar facing a Chinese restaurant

"H how did we..." he starts then sees Graces car and looks at me

"Hungry" I ask with a smile, he just looks at me, turning I head towards the restaurant and indicate him to follow at first I hear no footsteps in the sand but soon I do, making my smile turn to a grin.

I stop immediately and turn on my heels when I hear his walking stop and just like I thought he's headed towards the scar, the gateway to hell.

I run up and grab his arm and turn him towards me and Just as I thought his eyes are glazed over, the scar has taken ahold of him, he tries to brake free of my grasp but luckily I'm stronger than him.

I slap him "get ahold of yourself" I say



Well like everything in this world including head bombs sexuality heightens are senses, so I do what's necessary, though I don't mind, and kiss him hard as I grasp his cock through his pants, he instantly gets hard and I can feel the scar losing it's hold.

But it's not enough

So I go to the next thing, pulling from the kiss I whisper in his ear "I will always take care of you and the others" I say and watch as the hold falls completely... which means I was telling the truth.. which I myself didn't even know I was doing.

The Scholar blinks a couple times the cobwebs clearing out, he's shaking as he looks out over the menacing scar, the scar that can steal your very soul.

I put my hand on his arm making sure my long nails don't dig into his skin and he turns to look at me, this time his eyes smiling.

"I love you too" The scholar says blushing, wait I didn't say that

"Come on" he says taking my hand, not seeming to care as my nails dig into his palm, from his breathing and obvious signs it was turning him on, I made a mental note to explore that when all of us where safe or as safe as we could be.

And so we walk hand in hand into the dreamers web.

Opening the door I let go of his hand so he can go inside, blood dripping from his hand, bringing his hand up to my mouth and lick the blood, making him shiver in pleasure and watch the cut clear up, making up look at his hand stunned but before he could ask about I herd him through the door.

"Grace, Arthur?" He says as he sees the two sitting at a table, the rest of the place empty, which I'm surprised about as well as surprised that the Hostess hasn't shown up.

"What wrong with them" Scholar asks as he gets closer and sees their white pupils

"This is going take longer than I hoped" is all the reply I give

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