Slink and Rasher

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  The battle dome, the last stop in the Blood Race, the last fight before all are dead accept for one, the one that will be named Primo.

  I look around and notice it's empty not surprising none of the racers have come in yet and it only takes Heart minutes to throw something together. But I know he's here, he's a perfectionist even if he tries to hide it.

  I'm about to call out to him when I hear talking, slowly and silently I make it over to the people talking. Haha I knew you would be here Rasher, but him I didn't expect colonel sanders.

   "You can come out Julian I know you're here, I'll leave you and Rasher to talk" and with those cryptic words he leaves through a blood gate, but I hardly notice as I stare into Rashers eyes, hurt, betrayal and anger rolling deep in his brown eyes.

  "You... are you here to kill me... so you can be with the Scholar... the cop and Grace" he says his hands balling into fists at his side.

  He lied to him.. I weighed my options on how to approach this, words and decisions usually came so easy to me, but not with him... I actually take caution in all I say, I don't rush it, but I knew I didn't have the time, the more I stayed silent and un moving the more Heart's words would sink into his soul.

  With my tongue still tied, every witty excuse, every explaining thought stuck in my throat I did the only thing I could and reached into my jacket and pulled out the file and handed it to him, at first he refused to take.

   "Please" I said in a low deep pained voice, for a second I thought he would refuse again but after looking into my eyes, he took it and opened it. I watched every facial expression hoping that one file would tell all the truths I couldn't get out.

   I couldn't help but smile as one crossed his face, maybe he saw my dictation next to his name that said "not in a million years". But beyond that smile was still a burning question one I knew I would have to answer.

   "Why didn't you come for me first" he asks looking up from the paper.

     I inhale deeply before saying, "reason 1: I knew you could take care of yourself more than them"

  "Reason 2.." I say dramatically as I start walking towards him "I knew you would be mad if I didn't save them first, because you knew the truth of reason one like I did, and I know you care about them too".

  He looks at me crossing his arms, and I start to get that nervousness that I only get when I'm worried this man infront of me is mad at me, is done with me.

   "Then.. why.." he says uncrossing his arms and closes the gap between us and grabs onto my jacket making heat flow through my whole body.

   "Are you here while Their out there, who knows where with Heart looking for them".

  "Oh their in the desert where the old Chinese restaurant used to be, but it's closed now she moved on".

  "So Their by fuck town and the scar.. and you're here without them why?" he says tugging hard on my jacket pulling me even closer

   "Because I wanted to have this beautiful moment with you and plus maybe take you to fuck town" I say grinning.

  I can see lust building in his eyes, but like he always seems to manages to do he pushes it aside to get to business.

   "Go get them and bring the car with you I hate blood gates" he says smiling.

  I smile back before kissing him passionately and pulling him as close as I can.

  After what seemed like forever I pulled back "I'm not leaving here without you, not with that asshole watching you.. I know you hate the blood gates but..."

He puts a finger on my lips "let's just go, but first drag your nails along my face before we go, it's been to long".

  I grin as I run four of my dark fingernails down his cheek, I can feel his body hardening against mine, as blood drips down my fingers.

  I moan as he takes my bloody hand in his and sucks on each one of my fingers, his eyes never leaving mine as he laps at the blood not caring that his tongue is getting scratched at the same time.

   As he slowly takes my finger out I lick at the blood draining from his mouth, wishing I was in my fully "equipped" body. As soon as my fingers were fully out I kissed him hungrily.

    He let my tongue dive deep into his mouth licking every inch of it tasting his blood. And just like always just as I'm about to push my tongue deeper he bites my tongue hard making it bleed and greedily sucks on my tongue loving the taste of my blood, which make me even more mad I chose this body today.

  I let out a small growl as we pull apart both our mouths filled with each other's blood, we let it sit there engulfing our mouths before swallowing slowly.

   "After you" Rasher says, I grin tipping my hat,  that never came off through that whole ordeal, and open a blood gate and latching my arm around his we step into the desert wasteland, happy to see our companions are still there and alive.

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