Aki's Mom

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"You know you can't force them awake" I hear a woman say behind me.

   Swiveling on the heels of my boots I look into the owner of this establishment, Akis mother.

  Putting on my best smile I tip my hat to her. "Yes I'm aware that I can't but I know you know how" I say

   "For one that's dangerous and two why would I help you Slink?" She says glaring back at me.

   "Well I plan to save your daughter from Heart"

   "My daughters dead, those machines are not my daughter just a cheap copy" she says in an acidic tone.

    "Well technically yes but at the same time, the Aki unit I'm saving has opened the bridge to her original psychosis thus technically she is your daughter again, it may be a different shell but it's the same girl" I say with more gravel in my voice then I meant to.

   She stares at me considering my words, deciding if she believes me, be it the seriousness in my voice or my face, I see her tough façade drop, all the pent up anger, fear, sadness that's been brought upon her finally breaking apart, and a mother stands before me, one that wants to, no needs to believe her daughter is alive, and not stuck in hell like herself.

   Without a thought I wrap my arms around her and pull her close, and let her weep into my chest, I can feel the scholars hand on my shoulder.

   "As are you" he mouths, and even though it wasn't audible to most I hear it and feel a warmth pass through my body, one I haven't felt for awhile, atleast when I'm not around Rasher.

   Sniffling she steps back and wipes her eyes, and goes to a shelf and gets a bottle of smelling salt.

   "I'm done feeding the scar... this should wake them up, they'll be a little disheveled at first but they will be ok"   she says handing me the bottle.

  It doesn't take long for the tremors to start, the scar is not happy, sitting down a cat jumps on her lap, two beings knowing it's the end, the scar doesn't take disobedience well.

  I'm about to say something when a bright light appears at the door. Not today scar, I think smiling. I help her up as she holds the cat close, as I walk her to the light.

  "Rest now, you deserve it, and Aki will be fine"  I say

  She looks at me and smiles "thank you, and Julian he's right you too have more humanity than you believe, and there's things about your life, who you are Heart has hidden, find the truth Julian" she says and with cat in arms walks into heavens door.

  I feel the heat from the sun on me before noticing the building is gone. I turn to see see the Scholar laying Barbie and Grace in the sand, going over to them I crouch down and pull off the cork and watch the mist flow like magic into both of their noses.

At first nothing happens and the Scholar looks at me and I smile, as they begin to cough and hack.

  "Welcome back to the real world" I say grinning

  "From a nightmare to another one" grace groans and tries to sit up but is unable.

   "It will take awhile to get the feeling back in your body just lay there and enjoy the sun, oh and by the way the scholars with me too"

  "Red River?" She asks

  "It didn't work out" scholar says sadly

  "Was it because of this asshat" she says with acid

   "No she ended up being an ass" he says with more ire than he meant to.

  "I'm sorry you deserve better"

  "Hey as bad as I feel for the Scholar and pissed that slink is here, I've got sand everywhere, and I mean everywhere" Arthur/Barbie says

  "Always the whiner" I say dramatically

  "Fuck you"

  "Later I promise for now we should get moving before Heart Kills us all"

  Barbie chuckles "finally getting a taste of your own medicine"

  "Yes and it tastes bitter now can you two get off your asses so we can go save Rasher, Aki and Christopher?"

  At that Barbie starts to stir, but is unable to move.

  "Don't bother Barbie, it useless" Grace says

  "Fine you three stay here and I'll go get Rasher, no wondering off or being killed" I say opening a blood gate.

   "Your just going leave us here?"

I turn to look at the Scholar "don't worry I'll be back I promise" and with that I go through the blood gate 

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