Chapter 1

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PJ = Paperjam = Jammy

Ink = Father

Error = Dad 

Fresh POV

A new school, year. A new school. A new set of friends. A new set of bullies. Ugh, I thought, too many new things this year. I rolled out of bed, putting on my blue, plaid shirt, and my dark, cyan shorts, hoping that no-one would notice me in something so, plain. It was always like this when I moved schools, which happened quite often, since I moved schools every time someone found out about my secret, took bullying too far, or even when one of my friends left the school or moved away. But this year would be different, because this was my first year of high school, and I wouldn't let any of those things happen, and I would especially make sure that no-one learned my secret. They would probably taunt me about it, and that would be too much to bear. Whenever those memories resurfaced, I feel a sting, a pain, at the loss of- no. I wouldn't let myself think about those things, think about them. Not today.

I walked down the hall, into the kitchen. Then freaked out when glancing at the clock, the bus came at 6:50, and it was already 6:58! I was really hoping that this would be his lucky day and that the bus would be late. I grabbed a piece of bread for breakfast, eating as I checked if everything was in my bag. After confirming I was ready, I grabbed my favorite hat, it was yellow with coloured splotches all over. I quickly grabbed my running shoes, trying to make it outside before the bus came. As I struggled to get my running shoes onto my too big feet. As I ran outside, hoping to not be late, I remembered that my clock had been acting up last night, so in my half asleep state, I had unplugged it, plugging it back in, hoping that that would make it start working again. Ugh, he thought, my clock always says that it is 20 minutes earlier than it actually is when plugged in. I chuckled at my own stupidity, I was always classed as a nerd, and people always seem to think that as a nerd, I would never make stupid mistakes, so I always laughed when I did. The fact that I had been freaking out about it, made it that much more hilarious.

I finally got to where the bus picked me up, it was near some small, modest looking houses, a block away from where I actually lived. I hadn't told the school my address, just that the bus could pick me up here, as I didn't want anyone seeing the dilapidated state of my own house, as they would surely taunt me for it. Or at least question me. I leaned against a tree, roughly sketching how my house had looked before the accident, before- no. I stopped drawing, not letting myself think of that. I turned the page in my sketchbook, deciding to draw some characters from Mew Mew Kissy Cutie, my favorite anime.


Ugh. I thought as I got out of bed, schools back in, great, just great. I would definitely miss the summer, especially the free time, doing things like sleeping in and playing basketball with Undyne and BP, but at least I would get to see them every day. Then Father called up to me,

"Hey Jammy, you awake yet?"

"Barely." I responded drearily.

"Well you slept in for about fifteen minutes later than normal," Father continued, "So if you don't hurry up and get down here, Error's going to eat all of the pancakes."

I shot up at that, knowing that my dad could, (and would,) eat an infinite amount of pancakes if I didn't come down fast enough.

"K father, I'm coming!"

Quickly putting on a purple t-shirt, gray jeans, and my signature blue jacket, my name spread across it bold black lettering.

I glanced at my clock seeing that the time was already 6:49, "Shit," I muttered, rushing downstairs to grab my bag and two pancakes, realizing that I would have to eat them on the bus. Stuffing one into my mouth, I glanced down at my phone, then out the window, it was 6:52, and the bus wasn't here yet. The bus was late, thank goodness, I thought, Undyne probably held it up again by annoying the driver, that had happened a lot last year. I yell a goodbye to Dad and Father as I ran out the door. Standing outside, waiting for the bus, I hear someone humming a soft tune to my left. I glance over, and there was a small, skinny skeleton leaning against a tree. His eyes were a soft pink, one being an upside down heart, they were magnified by his small, round glasses. He's obviously a nerd, thought taking in the rest of his appearance. He was wearing a blue plaid shirt and dark cyan shorts, his face was slightly covered by a yellow hat, which had splotches of colour all over. "Heh," I chuckled under my breath, father would have loved that hat. The nerd stopped humming and looked at me, realizing that I had been staring, I quickly looked away.

Fresh POV

I hadn't noticed I was humming until I felt myself being watched. I ignored it for a while, eventually giving into my curiosity and looking over when I heard a small chuckle. It was a jock, I thought, Shit, he's probably just trying to decide whether or not to beat me up. I hadn't thought that he would be noticed so early, but I know I will be bullied for it. They were all the same. He looked away, but I continued staring. He was a tall black skeleton, splotches of ink seemed to float away from the left side of his head. His eyes were blue and yellow, one was a star, I sighed. He was definitely a jock, probably a popular one. The laid back but strong posture said it all, and if not for that, his jacket had, 'PJ' spread across it in bold black letters. No nerd would wear that, knowing that we all tried to blend in. I looked away, the bus had arrived and the jock walked toward it, waving at some others inside, smiling as they waved back. I walked to the front-most seat, closest to the door. I wanted to get off the bus quickly, as to avoid attention. It was unusual for a nerd like me to ride the bus, other nerds just got their parents to drive them, as to avoid any drama. But that wasn't an option for me, as my parents aren't here to do that. I placed down my bag, shoving those thoughts out of my head as I turned to a new page in my sketchbook. I started drawing my old school, shading certain parts with my pencil. I knew the front entrance by heart, since I had spent a lot of time sitting under a large oak tree near the entrance, staring up at the school, often lost in thought. "Hey nerd!" A rude, obnoxious voice next to me said, "Whatch'ya drawing?" They said as snickers filled the bus. I turned to look at the speaker, it was a tall, muscular fish monster. She had a white patch over her right eye, and her shiny red hair was in a large, high ponytail. She wore blue jeans and a white shirt with a gray jacket over top. Another Jock. I thought, I bet that other one had told her about me, what was his name again? It had been on his jacket. Oh, right, 'PJ' Weird name. Then the fish lady snatched my sketchbook straight out of my hand. She started flipping through it, laughing at most, while showing the other monsters all of them. More snickering and laughter filled the bus. People who had been trying to hold the laughter in gave up. It was chaos. The fish lady started tearing up pages in my sketchbook, laughing as they flew around the bus. Eventually, she seemed to get bored, going to the back seats with her friends.


I had seen the drawings in the nerd's sketchbook, and even though they were amazing drawings, I laughed with everyone else. As Undyne came back to her seat next to me, I saw the Nerd tearing up. Frantically trying to turn away, make no-one notice him. For some reason, I felt bad. No, I thought, I've never felt bad for bullying someone, or someone getting bullied. Then why did I feel bad for him?

An unexpected twist. [Nerd!Fresh x Jock!Paperjam]Where stories live. Discover now