Chapter 4

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a few months! I got caught up in starting a new school, and starting middle school, and a bunch of other stuff and completely forgot about this! I will try to make sure that I update this more often, (for all the people that are crazy enough to read my horrible writing,) though there will be large gaps where I won't, and updates will be very slow.

Also, please give me feedback! I love to hear what others think about my writing. I hope not for hate, but constructive criticism is great! Oh, that rhymed! Anyway, sorry for the long note, so without further ado, on with the story!

Fresh POV

"A-a-are you okay?!" I turned to the left to see a small yellow blob entering the washroom. I grabbed my glasses, putting them on and looking again. Standing there was a yellow dinosaur with large glasses, each lens the size of a large cookie. She had on a green turtleneck sweater, with a white skirt, and a small pin that I couldn't make out. "Yeah, I'm good," I responded as I started to lift myself off the ground. The dinosaur rushed towards me helping me up the rest of the way. She quickly moved away from me, as I was dripping with toilet water, and hesitantly stuck out her hand, "I'm Alphys." I shook her hand, both of us hesitant, "I'm Fresh, Fresh Bakersville." She looked at my clothes and her eyes moved up towards the crack on my head, gasping when she caught sight of it. "Y-y-you n-need to g-go t-t-to the nurses' o-office." I panicked, she must have seen the look in my eyes, and I immediately tried to calm me down. "I-I-I didn't m-m-mean you h-have to. B-But y-you should." I shook off my panic, giving her a small, fake smile. "It's okay, I already went to the nurse, and she said it was fine." The lie rolled smoothly off my tongue, and gave her another small smile. She looked at me suspiciously, glancing at the crack on my forehead, then back to me as I began to sweat slightly, hoping she wouldn't call me out on my lie. "O-o-okay, i-if you s-say so." I sighed, and she looked down at me suspiciously, raising an eyebrow. Quickly covering it up with another fake smile. She quickly grabbed my arm, before pulling me out of the washroom. I stumbled a bit, not expecting that. She looked back at me, "What class do you have now?" I rose a nonexistent eyebrow, 'Why was she asking me that? And where did her stutter go?' I replied hesitantly, "Magic with Mr. Sans." She continued walking down the hallway, with me in tow. Realizing that she was still holding my arm, I shook myself free of her hand, before continuing to follow her. I then looked around, noticing that we were heading towards Mr. Sans' classroom. When we got to the door, Alphys turned to me, quickly handing me my hat, which I realized I had left in the washroom. I placed it on my head, covering up the large crack, wincing slightly as it touched it. I would bandage it back up, but then I would be later for class than I already was. She opened the door, ushering me in, closing it behind us. Everyone was standing in one of two lines, and I noticed that most of the jocks were on the right, with almost everyone else on the left. Mr. Sans and most of the students looked at us, the jocks smirking when they saw my soaking clothes. Mr. Sans rose an eyebrow, before pulling Alphys and me foreword, not caring about the fact that I was dripping with toilet water. "Ah, Alphys, Fresh, nice of you to join us." He said as everyone stared at them. Wasn't he going to get them in trouble for being late? "We are currently getting into groups so that we can assess you. If you have awakened your magic, please go to the right," Mr. Sans told Alphys and Fresh as he gestured to the group of Jocks, "And if you haven't, go to the right." Alphys and I quickly shuffled over to the left, and no one looked surprised. "Now, I'm Mr. Sans, but please call me Sans," The now dubbed 'Sans,' said as he walked to the front of the class, "I'm going to test you on your magical aptitude, so that I know which class you are to be placed in." He continued, glaring at each of us in turn, "I will call, your name, and you will walk to the front of the class, then you will start the test." Sans pulled out a clipboard, looking down at it before calling, "PaperJam" PJ walked foreword, smirking. I watched as Sans asked him to show what weapon he would use in a battle. A large Purple paintbrush appeared in his hands, with blue strings that were draped over it, holding it together. A few pinkish-purple bones appeared next to him, though they seemed to be melting, because all of his attention was on his paintbrush. Finally, a single purple gaster blaster appeared above him, seeming made of paint, and dripping with a pink coloured liquid magic. 'Wow, he is really powerful for a teenager!' I thought, and everyone else's faces mirrored what I was thinking. I looked at him with a mix of awe and fear. Sans just waited, raising a nonexistent eyebrow, not telling PJ to disperse the magic. 'He's testing how long he can hold it all together for,' I realized, and PJ seemed to realize it to, his face set hard in determination as he pushed more magic into the weapons. The bones were wavering, before one by one they disappeared with a 'pop!' His gaster blasters were practically falling apart, and he quickly dispersed them, hoping to keep all of his remaining magic focused on the paintbrush. Eventually, the paintbrush disappeared, and PJ fell to his knees, panting due to overexertion. My eyes glazed over, 'I haven't seen anyone exert that much of their magic since he was around...'

An unexpected twist. [Nerd!Fresh x Jock!Paperjam]Where stories live. Discover now