Chapter 3

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PJ = Paperjam

No-ones POV

Fresh walked into the classroom, and everyone's heads immediately shot up at the sound of the door opening, and I few people gasped, no-one ever dared be late for Ms. Muffet's class. Ms. Muffet stopped her lecture on the rules and school etiquette, to glare at Fresh. "Why are you late?" She asked in a very annoyed voice. Each word spoken sharply, making everyone in the room flinch. Fresh swallowed hard before speaking, "I-I got l-lost." He whispered, obviously intimidated. "Don't let it happen again," She said sternly. He nodded and she pointed to the only empty seat, it was in the middle row and right next to PJ. "You can sit next to PJ." She stated before continuing her lecture. PJ growled. Fresh froze and gulped before nodding and hurrying to his seat.

Fresh POV

When Ms. Muffet pointed out the seat I would be sitting in I freaked out internally, because I would have to be next to one of the jocks. Another part of me was happy that I had finally learned his name. Not trusting my voice I just sat down. I wasn't really listening to Ms. Muffet's lecture, because it was all about basic rules like no running in the halls, and no vandalism. That was until she said something that caught my attention, "These will be your homeroom seats for the rest of the year, so I suggest you get used to them." I looked over at the so-called, 'PJ,' and quietly groaned. Then he looked at me and smirked, "Guess you'll be sitting with me nerd." I put my head down on my desk, internally screaming, when the bell rang. "See-ya nerd." PJ said before grabbing his bag and leaving, the throng of people moving to let him pass. I groaned again, I am doomed.


When the nerd sat next to me, I could tell he was panicked, as was I. But when Ms. Muffet said that these would be our seats for the rest of the year, I heard the nerd groan. I saw him looking at me and turned to him smirking. "Guess you'll be sitting with me nerd." I told him, he then put his head on his desk and I started thinking about the benefits of sitting next to a nerd. When class ended, I grabbed my bag and said, "See-ya nerd." Before leaving.

*Time Skip*

(Still PJ POV)

My next two classes were history with Mr. Nightmare, and science with Mr. Gaster. Both were really boring so I wasn't listening, I even fell asleep in history. But I did notice that the nerd was in both classes with me, and was listening intently, taking notes, and looked generally interested. Though he paid me no attention. But when science ended, I looked down at my schedule and was immediately excited, I had magic control and self defense with Mr. Sans. I heard someone groan and looked towards the sound, it was the nerd. He was also looking down at his schedule as well. I was curious, but he was across the room so I couldn't see what it said. When the bell rang, I grabbed my bag and casually walked over to the nerd's desk, and when Mr. Gaster left the room, I grabbed the nerd's schedule out of his hands. "Hey wh-" He was cut off by my hand covering his face. I read over his schedule and growled. He had the exact same one as me. I heard whimpering and looked down at the nerd to see that I was pushing down on his skull in anger without realizing. His hat had fallen off and I could clearly see the bandages wrapped around his head from this morning, but they were bleeding through, and now my hand was sticky with blood. "What the hell nerd!" I yelled at him, because some of the blood was getting on the white sleeve of my letterman jacket. I knew it wasn't his fault, but I didn't care. I needed to take the anger out on someone, and I liked seeing nerds squirm. I grabbed him by the front of his shirt, slamming him against the wall. He looked at me with fear evident in his eyes. He started shaking, and I suddenly felt bad. No, I thought, shaking off that feeling, I don't feel bad for him, he's just a cute-STUPID, nerd. What is wrong with me!

Fresh POV

PJ took my schedule, seemingly angry, and started to push on my head, when the bandages on my head started to bleed through, some got on his jacket. He immediately started yelling at me, and held me against the wall at his eye-level, my feet dangling. I started shaking, looking at him in pure fear. He then looked at me confused and dropped me. I fell to the ground, limp in confusion. Why had he dropped me? "You have thirty seconds to run, and then I'm coming after you." He said smugly. Oh, I realized, he's playing with me, jerk. I quickly got to my feet, grabbing my hat and my bag, starting to run. I ran through the halls, knowing that I couldn't outrun PJ. I continued to run, now hearing footsteps behind me, I didn't turn around, and just ran to the gym, hoping to hide in there. I pushed myself as hard as I could, running, running, running, hearing the footsteps getting closer and closer, and just before I reached the doors to the gym, someone grabbed the back of my shirt, stopping me. "Shoot," I muttered as PJ turned me towards him. Pushing me against the wall, he brought his face right up to mine, "So nerd, I'm going to give you four options," PJ said as he smirked, "You can get the biggest swirly of your life, you can be humiliated in front of everyone, you can get beat up, or you can have all three. So, what's it gonna' be nerd?" I was shaking in fear, unable to speak, still panting from running so hard. Sweat started trickling down my skull as PJ looked at me expectantly, "Since you're not answering, option number four it is." PJ stated, grinning. He then started dragging me by my shirt, towards the washroom. A group of more jocks were standing outside of the washroom, eyes lighting up when they saw PJ dragging me towards the washroom. "Hey Undyne, can you get everyone gathered for a fun little show?" PJ asked, smirking. "Sure PJ," Undyne, the fish lady that had stolen my notebook on the bus replied, before walking down the hallway, pointing me out to the other groups in the school. Most people's eyes lit up when they heard what was happening. When a lot of people had gathered, I was dragged into the washroom, and then pushed inside one of the stalls with PJ. PJ grabbed my head, making me kneel in front of the toilet. People started cheering PJ on as he shoved my head into the toilet, flushing it. He pulled me up for air after thirty seconds, and people laughed as I gasped for air, attempting to get as much air into my non-existent lungs. He promptly shoved my head back in, and this continued for about five minutes before he shoved me out of the stall, "Time for the next part of your punishment, nerd." He said laughing. People moved out of the way, making a small semicircle around me and PJ. I was pushed against the wall, looking up at PJ in fear, knowing that he would do the third thing that he had promised. "Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight!" The people surrounding us chanted as I shakily got to my feet.


I looked towards the nerd, who was looking up at me, scared. He's soaked, down to the bone. I thought chuckling at my own pun, making the nerd even more scared. The bandages had fallen of his head, leaving his bloodied wound out in the open. It had stopped dripping blood, but it still looked like it was hurting a ton. He shakily stood up as the people around us started to chant the word, 'fight,' repeatedly. I looked around, smirking. I looked at him, and his eyes took me aback. My smirk dropped. There was a certain anticipation in his eyes, a certain knowing. He looked like he had been through this many times before, and like he knew what was going to happen. His eyes showed that he already knew that the outcome of this so-called, 'fight,' was already decided. We both knew that I would immediately overpower him, and that he would be beat up, no one coming to his aid, everyone just laughing at him. He knew that he would be left on the ground, hurt, most likely bleeding, and he would be left to fend for himself. We both knew what was going to happen. I had inflicted that kind of pain on so many others, that I already knew the outcome. It also appeared that he knew what was going to happen, because he had been through it many times. He knew what it was like to be hurt, and I suddenly felt myself feeling bad for him, knowing that I couldn't back down now, or go easy as him. Because I would be seen as weak. I started looking around for a way to get out of this, where no one judged me for it. People looked at me in confusion, wondering what the cause of my sudden panic was. Then the warning bell rang and I quietly sighed in relief. As people started to leave, a few stayed, wanting to see if I would actually beat him up. I glanced at them, before rushing forward and grabbing the nerd's shirt, pushing him against the wall. He looked at me in utter shock, before his expression turned to fear and anticipation. I once again felt that sympathy for him, leaning in and uttering a few words menacingly, "You're lucky nerd," before dropping him. I walked out of the washroom, signaling for the few that had stayed in the washroom to follow me. I glanced down at my schedule, suddenly remembering my earlier excitement when I saw that I had magic control and defense with Mr. Sans.

An unexpected twist. [Nerd!Fresh x Jock!Paperjam]Where stories live. Discover now