Chapter 2

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BP = burger-pants

No-ones POV

All of the kids on the bus knew to wait until the jocks were off the bus to get off. Except for one, the new kid, Fresh. As he got out of his seat, people stared. He obviously didn't know the rules of this bus, and was going to be hurt because of it. As Fresh walked down the bus aisle to get off, BP started to get up to leave. Noticing that the nerd was almost off the bus before them, he pointed him out to the others, all of them silently nodding in agreement. BP speed-walked as silently as he could, to the front of the bus. Fresh didn't notice that BP was right behind him.

Fresh POV

I was standing at the stairs to get off the bus, one foot about to go onto the first step. As soon as my foot reached the first step, I felt a sharp, hard push to my back. I pin wheeled my arms, trying to stay put and keep my balance. It was no use. As I fell forward, I could hear laughter behind me, and my fore-head hit the curb, hard. My whole head felt like a mound of pain as I shakily got up. Everything was spinning, and I could feel the blood and tears dripping down my face, eventually hitting the ground. I slowly got up, cautiously. I felt my fore-head, where the most amount of pain had surfaced. My hand came away stained with blood. Looking around, I saw the group of jocks heading away. At least they've decided to leave me be for a little while, I thought, Even if that, 'little while', is just two minutes. I saw two of the jocks look back at me, one was a cat monster, with black jeans, a gray shirt, and a white vest over top. He was smirking at me. BP, they had called him. The other was this, 'PJ' Jock again. What I saw on his face surprised me, it was a look of confusion, and of concern. Did that jock actually care if I was okay? I questioned, before pushing that thought out of my head. No, there was no way he cared, if he cared, he wouldn't have let me get pushed in the first place. PJ looked away, and I glared at the group's backs, looking at each one in turn, until my eyes reached PJ. I couldn't seem to myself to be mad him, what was wrong with me today!?


I looked back at the nerd, feeling bad for him, hoping that he was okay, his skull was cracked, gushing blood, and he was shakily standing up, tears streaming down his face. No-one comforted him as they got off the bus, they didn't even give a second glance, a few were even holding in laughter. He stared at me and the others, as BP looked back, smirking at him. I turned away, as did BP, and we continued to walk, even though I could feel him glaring at our backs.

*Time Skip*

Fresh POV

I slowly attempted standing up, only collapse again in pain. I tried again, managing to stand while supporting myself on a tree to the right of me. My vision was blurry, and my knees were shaking. I made out a large group of people walking towards a large brick building, and the bus speeding away. I started stumbling towards where I guessed the washroom was, pain increasing with each step I took. Blood continued to stream down my face, blurring my vision even more and covering my glasses. Funk, I thought, I'm completely blind without those. I pulled them off, everything immediately blurred even more, turning into coloured blobs. I finally found the bathroom, stumbling as I supported myself on a sink. I started to clean off my glasses in the sink, putting them to the side before cleaning some of the blood and tears of my face. My forehead stung as the cold water hit it, and I quietly hissed in pain. Once my face was clean enough to see the injury, I put on my glasses. My vision was still slightly blurred, probably due to pain or blood loss. Oh, how he wished he could just go to the nurse for this, it would hurt way less, and would be way quicker. But I couldn't risk the fact that they would try to contact my parents. Seeing as I didn't tell them anyone to contact. I turned my attention back to my injury, seeing a large crack in my forehead, smaller cracks spider webbed outwards, and the blood had slowed to a trickle. I quickly bandaged it with some medical tape and covered the bandages with my hat. Making sure the injury was completely covered. I sighed as I put the medical tape back in my bag and slung it over my shoulder, walking out of the washroom as the warning bell rang. This is going to be a long day.


I saw the nerd enter the school behind everyone else, his face covered in blood, and his eyes unfocused. Guess he was hurt more than I thought. I saw him stumble into the bathroom and was instantly curious. Why wasn't he going straight to the nurse? "Hey BP?" I asked, "Mhm," he hummed to show that he was listening, "I'll be a sec', okay?" "'Kay," he mumbled back, not interested at all. I quickly walked towards the washroom, being stopped by a bunch of girls who started trying to flirt with me. When I finally made it through the pack of girls and got to the boys' washroom, I saw the nerd standing in front of a mirror, his wound mostly cleaned, I saw it in full now, since before it had been covered in blood. It was fairly large, and I was half surprised that he wasn't curled up in a ball on the ground, crying in pain. Because though I hate to admit it, I probably would have been. He put his glasses on, calmly reaching into his bag and pulling out medical tape. Wait what? I thought, Does he just keep medical tape in his bag? I mean, who does that? I shook my head, nerds are weird. I exited and started walking towards the office to grab my new schedule. Then the warning bell went off, "Shit," I muttered under my breath, running to the office since there were only two minutes until class started. I grabbed my schedule and glanced at first period, not bothering to read the rest of the schedule. 'Homeroom with Ms. Muffet, room 206' it read. I groaned, Muffet was the worst teacher for homeroom, since she was a hard marker, and very strict. Her classroom was also on the other side of the school, and since he now only had one minute, if he didn't run he'd be late. He started running to room 206, but not before Fresh saw him.

Fresh POV

I saw the, 'PJ' guy, running from the office like a madman down a hallway to the left, I shook my head, looking through a pile of schedules, until I found my name. 'Homeroom with Ms. Muffet, room 206' it read. I started looking at the numbers on the signs above the hallways. I finally stopped on the hallway, 'PJ' ran into, the sign read 190 – 240. I started walking down it and the bell rang, signaling the start of class. I sighed and decided to just say that I got lost, hopefully I would be let off since it was the first day of school. I finally made it to room 206, checked if my hat was in place, and opened the door, stepping inside.

An unexpected twist. [Nerd!Fresh x Jock!Paperjam]Where stories live. Discover now