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Lydia's POV 

"How can I trust you, I thought we were friends!!" M'gann angrily stomps over to where I stood, her face is inches from mine, her glowing eyes were filled with rage and fury, "Now everyone knows who I really am, why did you tell Conner?" 

"M-M'gann what did I do?" The back of my throat felt clogged and I couldn't speak, the uncontrollable beatings from my heart couldn't be stopped, 

"I- I shouldn't have trusted you, Lydia," I bump into someone behind  me and I immediately turn around panicked, to see it was Dick, in his casual attire and black shades, his hands were tucked in pockets as his lips form a thin line, he turns to head to the side, refusing to make eye contact with me, "and here I thought you as the only close person I could trust," 

"D-Dick?" I take his hand pleadingly as my eyes were shaking with terror "I swear by the Gods, I didn't tell anybody about your identity, just please-" 

He shoves me away as I brace impact from hitting the rough ground,

 I lean up with my elbows supporting me and see his eyebrows knitted together in an angry manner, teeth clenched and fists shaking, 

"Don't... I don't want to see your face again...," 

"No, no, no, no...," I lay on my side against the frigid, cold ground with hands covering my ears, with my eyes squeezed shut tightly, so tight it was giving me a migraine, "No, no, no, no...!!" 

I quickly woke up, breathing heavily, a fist of mine curled up on my white bed covers as my other hand places a hand on my thumping heart,

My hands slither on each side of my temples to ease the small headache that is beginning to form, small sweatdrops trail against my warm, hot face as my hair is chiseled in its braid, 

Nothing... it was a bad dream, I'm in my room... 

I look around my surroundings to be sure I am in my room, sudden chills run down my spine, 

Before hopping off my bed, I remove the covers enveloping my shaking body, my legs were as weak as jelly, and my head overthinking over and over the nightmare I witnessed, 

As I stand on my feet, I look down at my hands to see they're shaking as well, my room felt oddly  cold as more shivers run through my fragile body

Almost as if someone opened a window in the middle of a winter blizzard, my tee-shirt and shorts aren't enough to keep me warm

Seeking warmth refuge, I hop back in the smothering covers to hopefully fall back asleep, 

I slowly take small breaths with my eyes closed, 

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