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"We can explain everything!" I say

"Good. Now start talking." He says

Me and Me'gann explained everything to Batman; and to be honest, he didn't looked like a happy 3-year old kid

"I'm very disappointed in the three of you" Batman says

"What! Why me?! I wasn't involved with this!" Artemis exclaims

"Please don't tell my uncle J'onn" Me'gann says

"What the three of you are gonna do is: take back the dog," Batman says,

"Now gear up and use the Bio ship to get to Theymiscara" Batman adds

"Wait! Why can't we use my portal? It's an easier way to go there" I say

"Let's say that this creature/animal is a virus, and the portal is a computer; once the virus gets in the computer it can damage or control the whole computer. And that's why we can't use the portal" Batman explains

"So this dog is a virus?" Artemis asks

"Not really, but it can effect Theymiscara by ruining the portal" he answers

We all geared up and head to the Bio ship

"This isn't so bad of a mission" Artemis says

"Oh believe me, Theymiscara is a really, really huge, enormous place. It'll be hard to find Hestia" I say

We buckle up and then take off

"Is Theymiscara dangerous?" Me'gann asks

"No, it's actually a beautiful place"

I see Artemis sitting with her arms folded and looking outside without saying a word

"We're sorry that we dragged you into this Artemis, once this is all settled we'll never drag you into another mess, I solemnly swear to the gods" I say

"It's not that, what if Batman tells Olive- I mean Green Arrow, and then he tells my mom. My mom would never let me get back into this team" She sighs

"We'll figure this out together, and Batman won't say anything. This is the first time we made a mess" I say

"I don't think so Lydia, remember the other day when we accidentally let the spaghetti over heat in the oven and it exploded?" M'gann says

"Oh yeah" I say

"There's a lot more what we did" M'gann says

"Wow Lydia, our 'first' time making a mess" Artemis says in sarcasm

"But still, we got this" I say


"We're here!!" Me'gann says excitedly

I unbuckle from my seat and got out of the Bio ship

I saw the huge temples glowing in gold, the waterfall running down, crops growing, mountains from far away distance were glowing, the ocean was turning more blue each day 

"I'm home!"

Artemis and M'gann come from behind me

"It's beautiful" M'gann looks around, her eyes wandering

"What are you talking about? It's Paradise!" Artemis says

We all wow at the view that's right in front of us

The Bio ship was parked in the middle of the village that was in front of Queen Hippolyta's palace,

luckily the Amazons weren't noticing that there was a big red vehicle parked in the middle of their homes

Wonder Woman and Wonder GirlNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ