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Robin's POV

"What is this infant doing here?" Red Tornado gestures across at Me'gann with baby Lydia on her hip while Wally was on her side, trying to feed Lydia with a burrito

"It's just......I wanted to......." Zatanna stammers in her words with a sad expression across her face, her head hanging low, not wanting to make eye contact

I put a supporting hand on her shoulder and squeezed it, hoping it would comfort her

"Zatanna just wanted to improve her magic skills and well.....it didn't go as expected. The infant is Lydia" I say

"Wally you need to stop feeding Lydia with that, she can't eat that whole thing in one go" We hear Me'gann from behind

"The poor baby hasn't eaten anything, she must be hungry!" Wally exclaims, he takes a bite of his burrito

"In order to not make this situation worse, we have to tell Diana Prince, the actual guardian of the child." Red says

"We can't! She'll tell my dad what I've done, and he'll never let me come back here again! I know how to undo this spell unless you have to-

"I'm sorry Zatanna, but I have to keep Diana in contact of this. It is better if there is an actual adult here" Red turns around, types on a computer to dial Diana

25 minutes later.....

"Oh my gods!! It's my baby Lydia!!!" Diana exclaims as she takes the infant from my arms 

Diana's face lights up with a huge smile plastered on her face, she twirls Lydia in the air

"I'm going to buy all the cute outfits that you will be wearing-" Diana stops and gasps dramatically

"Pictures! We need tons of pictures!"

As we all stand there awkwardly silent, staring at the actions of the tall, beautiful brunette with her daughter in arms

"Diana. We were just trying to find a solution in this situation we are currently in. Zatanna is still searching for some type of spell to undo this." Red explains Diana, who is now giving raspberry farts at Lydia

I turn around to only see Zatanna on the cold, glassy floor flipping through her spell book that was on the ground,  her knees supporting balance

Diana's POV

"Who's mommy's little princess? Yes you are! Yes you are!"

Finally a baby of my own! Oh Lydia.....if you could see how beautiful of a baby you absolutely are.

I squeeze my baby's face with mine and give her numerous kisses on her chubby cheeks

I take in the features that Lydia has captured in her baby form: her wide toothless smile, her big brown eyes, her itty-bitty small bits of hair on her soft head,

"I think we should keep Lydia like this." I said adoringly looking Lydia, she grabs my necklace with her baby hands and puts it her saliva-covered mouth [I know TMI]

Everyone stood there astonished, I could tell by their mouths hanging open- well maybe not for Red Tornado

"No! We can't!"

We all turn to Robin, who had stopped himself from talking but continued

"Er- I mean maybe she would want to go back as her normal, teenage-size self" he rubs his neck with an awkward smile

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