Chapter 7

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The next morning, my injuries were just scabbed over scratches and I was pain-free.  I took a quick shower and just put on a robe.   I was meeting Ian in the living room in about five minutes so I stopped by Jason's office to let him know we were leaving.

          "Keep your eyes peeled and be careful," he told me seriously.  "I want you back here in the same condition you left in."

          I raised my right hand and said, "Promise."

          He smiled at me.  "Give the alpha my regards."

          I nodded and left to meet Ian in the living room.  He was sitting on the couch waiting patiently, most likely knowing I had just come from Jason's office.  "Ready?" I asked him. 

          "Oh yeah," he replied.  "You laugh at Lee when he gets excited, but it is really cool to watch you with the wolf pack."

          I shook my head at him.  "It's normal for me.  I spent two years with them.  I just can't understand why you guys like it so much."

          He stared at me in disbelief.  "Wolves hate us, Layla.  You're the only werewolf we know of that they like, or can talk to them.  They've never taken in a werewolf puppy before.  Everyone is fascinated but something as rare as that."

          "I guess I can understand that," I told him.  "Just don't get too close.  You're right that they don't like werewolves very much and I don't want you to make them nervous."

          He nodded.  "I'll keep my distance."

          I smiled at him and led the way out the door.  He took my hand when we got outside and we smiled at each other.  We walked silently hand in hand until we reached the edge of the woods.  Once there we had to drop our robes and shift.

          I bumped his shoulder affectionately and then ran into the woods with him right behind, following me to the wolf pack's gathering place.  I sent a short deep howl to let them know I was on my way and soon I was met by another wolf. 

          I explained to him that I needed to speak to the alpha about the incident before and he immediately led the way to wherever it was that the alpha was staying.   When we got there I told the wolf that brought us thank you and rubbed flanks with him before he left.

          Then I lowered myself to my belly to show that I understood the alpha's dominance.  I didn't rise until he acknowledged me by licking my ear.   He looked questioningly back at Ian and I explained he was there to guard me only. 

          Just hang back, Ian.  He's fine as long as you stay back there,  I told him. 

          He laid down where he was and replied, I'll stay right here.

          I told the alpha everything I knew about the wolves that tried to take me, which wasn't much, and thanked him for the pack's help.  He acknowledged the information I gave him and then told me what he knew.

          His wolves had chased them until they were out of the woods and out of sight before coming back and reporting to him.  They hadn't noticed any other unfamiliar scents while following them or on the way back, but the wolves had exited the northern front of the woods.

          I thanked him again, bumped noses and wandered back over to Ian.  When I got to him, the alpha barked to get my attention, so I turned back.  Nothing happened for a moment and then the alpha told me to take care, head butted my shoulder, and headed out to see his wolves. 

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