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Ethan's eyes wrinkled as he laughed, while talking to Jack. It had been such a long time since they both saw each other. But after the conversation, Ethan's eyes searched for Raine. But she wasn't by her side.

His eyes wandered all around the place, looking for his wife. But she was no where to be found.

He talked with some more people, thinking she was just in the bathroom.

As time ticked by the more anxious he got and began worrying. What if something bad had happened to her? What if the kings found out about the wedding and took her away?

He began imagining scenes and began getting a little paranoid, excusing himself from the people he talked to just to ask other people if they had seen Raine.

It was no use. Nobody knew where the girl had gone to. They'd reply, a "sorry, no" and switch topics.

Ethan would have loved to stay and conversate with their guests, but Raine was his number one priority, so again, he excused himself and jumped into the next group of people, asking the same thing.

Finally, he had gotten a useful answer. "Oh, Raine? I saw her just walk around to the back of the restaurant."

He froze in his place and furrowed his eyebrows together. He was confused and still worried.

He still thanked the man who had answered anyway, despite being very puzzled about the whole situation.

Then, he decided to walk to the back of the restaurant. But she was not there anymore.

Where could she have possibly gone to? He asked himself why, constantly.

Ethan didn't give up and proceeded looking for her. He even asked Jack to help. They called her and texted her multiple times.

But her phone was dead, and could not receive any calls or texts.

At that time, he became desperate, and decided to go tell their wedding assistant.

Although as soon as he approached her, someone yelled loud, getting everybody's attention.

That's when he knew, that her beloved wife, had run away, with his twin brother.

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