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Language Warning in the video, 'cause RvB that's why.

Vax had been searching for far too long.

It was nearing the end of the twelfth year since the Fall of the Republic and he still could not find them, no matter how hard he tried.

First he knew, they had jumped from Coruscant to the Carratos System, then to the Vortex System, then to Myrkr, then Commenor, then Nubia, then somewhere between Tynna and Aridus, possibly Iktotch.

That was where he'd completely lost track of them.

They had just simply disappeared beyond his reach.

Until an encrypted message from his original Jax had led him to their potential whereabouts.

'Search the Hydian Way, SSE of Asmeru.'

That had narrowed it down to only 50 star systems but Vax had understood the sub-message hidden within Jax's original message.
From Asmeru, the most logical but usually avoided jump that was also on the Hydian Way was the small rapidly developing Outer Rim world of Rutan.

Continuing to study his acquire star maps, Vax was also searching for another planet.

A planet to suit his needs as a base of operation.

"Atron, in the Senex-Juvex Sector," said Vax as he tapped the star system. "That's the place to go."

With a base of operations in mind, now all he needed was the operatives...

SWRC: OC-49 (Part 1)(Book 2.675)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora