Chapter 4 Asmeru Mechanics.

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A few days passed before Vax and his newly acquired company had a mission to do.

On the planet of Dazania in the Asmeru System, they had been summoned to help resolve some kind of conflict between rival planet based groups.

Vax had only been very vague on the details.

However, upon arrival, it appeared that the issue had solved itself and there was no need for them there. Tye took that opportunity to seek out a group of mechanics that he'd heard so much about in the underbelly on the outskirts of Dazania's No. 6 City to see if they could repair the damage to their ship.

They were more than willing to help.

"So your name's are Silas, Aladdin, Shion and Nezumi?" confirmed Tye, wanting to know their names.
"That's right," said Silas, as he finished over his part of the ship. "We're not brothers by blood, but in some case from what I've seen, we're closer than many blood brothers."

"Aside from clone troopers," he added as an afterthought.
"How-" started Tye.
"I've seen many, many clone troopers," said Silas. "I'm 54 after all. Survivors that weren't completely brainwashed often become pirates or spacers or mercs, whatever pays. Others settle down in a quiet lifestyle far away from anyone. I've even seen some with young families. Everyone has they own way of living."

"I've never seen any others clones since the Fall of the Republic," said Tye.
"Most are in hiding," said Silas, looking back at the ships internal workings. "You lot are the largest group I've ever seen since the Fall of the Republic and the end of the Clone Wars. There must be almost a company of you."
"Exactly that about," said Tye. "These troopers are my Company plus 5 from the Clone Wars."
"And you all stayed together for this long?" asked Silas. "You also all look too young to have lived through the Clone Wars. And over half of your company appears too childish. How were you all never terminated?"

"That," sighed Tye, glancing over at some of the nearby childlikes. "Is... difficult to explain."

"Well, well, well," said the newcomer who startled Tye not by his sudden appearance, but by his voice sounding almost identical to Vax's. Just there were no hints of madness in his.
"Welcome, Captain Tye of Orange Company 49."

"Dad," said Silas, surprised by his fathers sudden return. "You're early. Did something happen?"
"Jax?" asked Tye, surprised by the sudden of the man who saved his company's lives during the closing days of the Clone Wars.
"They were a no show," said Jax, answering Silas' question as he crouched down beside him. "As for Tye, yes, I am Jax Briaxe."


All three looked at the new speaker, though Jax did so with a heavy heart.
"Yes Vax?"
"I need to speak with you."

Jax sighed heavily and said, "Come then."

Tye and Silas watched as the identical pair left them alone and Tye couldn't help but wonder what Vax was required to as Jax about.
"This can't be good," muttered Silas, as Nezumi looked over from the top of the ship and asked, "Dad's home?"
"Don't get too comfortable," said Silas as he continued to watch his father and clone disappear into the building. "You probably won't be staying here long."

Tye returned his attention to where the pair had disappeared and couldn't help but ask, "What's happened?"

"Something's eating Vax from the inside out," said Silas, slowly turning his attention back to the console he was working on for the ship. "But no one can figure out what it is."
"Did something happen to him?" asked Tye unmoving in his attention.
"Something must have," said Silas. "But since we can't figure it out, we have no hope of helping him."

The yard seemed to be suddenly quiet around them, though the distant excitement of the nearby childlikes cut through the silence vaguely, before Silas added with a mutter,

"And he won't tell us either."

SWRC: OC-49 (Part 1)(Book 2.675)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora