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Raptor was watching.

That was all he ever seemed to do.
Just stand there and watch.

And being an unknown and unsearched for Spy Master, Michael knew what was going on.

While C.T-4956, better known to the universe as Tye, and his team of 29 had lead the assault on the 'besieged' colony, a Zygerrian slave ship that had been tracking the two vessels on the asteroids had descended and, upon seeing the battle and confrontation that had been occurring with one of their quarries, had opted for the easier of the two and had kidnapped and enslaved the other 119 members of OC-49.

Then they'd rigged the ship to explode.

It was dark now.

Except for the raging fire that was the former ship of the Clones, everything else was dark and silent.

And Raptor made his move.

"Freeze!" yelped one of the sentries closest to the commander. The 29 other soldiers had turned to face the sentry that had called out before they all in turn drew their own weapons.
Raptor wasn't phased and just continued forward.

"Another step will end in your death," warned Tye, his helmet making his voice sound emotionless as he did not feel the normal amounts of compassion that he usually had. He had just lost his best friend and lover not hours before.

But still, Raptor was not phased.

Raising his right hand, Raptor continued forward and the blasters pointed at him were flung out of their owners hands. 29 surprised pairs of eyes flicked between their discarded weapons and the figure that seemed to have melted from the shadows surrounding them.

The 30th, however, had just stumbled back and retained a hold on his twin firearms. As much to his own, and everyone else's, surprise.

"A Force-Sensitive Clone Trooper," mused Raptor. "Haven't seen you if you in a long while."

"Who are you?" asked Tye cautiously, not trusting the man before them at all. He justifiably had no trust in any Jedi or Force-users after the whole incident of the Clone Wars. Only Neeran Zaneshi and her Padawan had his trust.

"Raptor," said the man. "Michael Kane 'Raptor' Burns."
"You're a thief."
"Clever," smirked Raptor. "Not many get that reference to my name."

"What do you want?" asked Tye, removing his helmet and revealing his tear-stained face and blood-shot eyes. Raptor couldn't blame the mans reaction to the present events.

"To help you."

Tye was not impressed with this outsider currently, until he uttered the next immortal words.

"You'll be wanting your brothers back, no?"

"What are you playing at?"

"Your family is not dead, despite what you seem to believe," explained Raptor. "They weren't even aboard that ship. Zygerrians tend to like their captives alive before they break them."

Silence greeted his explanation and Raptor asked, "How many of you are there?"
Tye watched the man for a second before saying, "30."
"Seems that you have a lucky number Captain," said Raptor, keeping his hands up. "I have just enough room for that many soldiers onboard to mount a rescue mission for your enslaved brothers."

SWRC: OC-49 (Part 1)(Book 2.675)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora