Chapter 2 Surprise Visitor.

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When Tye finally decided to emerge from one of the best sleeps in recent weeks, there was no one on Base who didn't know about the incident earlier that morning.

And to make things even better, one of those gathered had filmed the entire thing.

Not that anyone would have owned up to that.

"They will be the death of us," groaned Tye, rubbing his face with his hand to wake up as the video acquired played in the background behind him, much to everyone else's amusement.
"Whatever makes you think that?" mocked C.T.
"Screw you."
"Careful. Someone'll take that a different way."
Tye flopped back in his chair and groaned in exasperation.

"Hate it when you're right," mumbled Tye as he stood up and went to make his way to their makeshift infirmary.
"And I know you love it at the same time," countered C.T, as he got up to follow after him to receive the mission report from Sirus, Scars and Felix.

"How was I supposed to know he meant the opposite of what he fucking said?!" exclaimed Felix.
"Watch it," snapped Tye as he and C.T entered the room. "Don't need the childlikes hearing anymore of your creative language."

"Tye," greeted Scars as the pair approached the medical cot that had Felix resting on it with Hawkeye, B.J and Trapper around him as well as Sirus, Tye and C.T.
"So," started Tye. "I've heard a vague report slash outline, but what the hell actually happened?

"Miscommunication," said Scars, before the others had a chance to open their mouths. Felix shot him a glare, but said nothing.
"Miscommunication?" asked Tye, looking over the other two members to see if they viewed it differently. They didn't seem to, so Tye looked over at Hawkeye and asked the silent question of how Felix was.

"He'll recover, but it'll be like the Clone Wars again when he couldn't walk," said Hawkeye. "He's just going to refuse to let it heal and insist on walking around, which will not enable him to get out to kill himself any quicker."
"Whatever you say, Doc," grumbled Felix, crossing his arms and looking away whilst pouting at those gathered. Sometimes it was a wonder the kid wasn't considered a childlike during times like these.

One only had to look at his service record that the company had of his exploits during the Clone Wars to understand why he wasn't a childlike.

"How did you botch this up with miscommunication?" asked Tye. "It was a simple grab and hand in. A childlike could have done it."
"Don't eat those words," mumbled C.T. Tye shot him a cold glare and Sirus explained, "We didn't think too much of this task until things got out of hand and we were having to fight for our lives to see the sunrise-"
"To which nature proved so f- really cliche," said Felix, changing his sentence midway in compliance of Tye's earlier request. Tye nodded his thanks as Sirus continued.
"Anyway. The kids father, who didn't want him in the end, said that he couldn't have us destroying his reputation on that world."
"Won't have to worry about it now though," added Felix.
"He doesn't exist anymore?" Tye asked cautiously.
"Six blaster bolts through the chest say otherwise," said Scars. Tye nodded, not really needing the mental image. He'd lived through enough of that for a lifetime.
"Well, I guess we will be seeing you all around then," said Tye, taking his cue to leave the trio with the trio of doctors as the other two members of their training squad, Ashen and Fax, arrived to check on their once again injured teammate Felix.

His name meaning 'lucky' wasn't only just for his talent of managing to constantly talk his way out of trouble, for the most part, but also in his ability to get injured and come back twice as hardy and just as ready to kick everyones butts. 

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