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sam pov 

Colby hasn't been feeling well all week he's been having mood swings and all that I've been worried about him i been wanting him to go see a doctor but he keeps saying no..

sam:"Colby..'sam says with his eyebrow raised  

Colby:"yes.."Colby says with a confused face 

Sam:"i have a surprise for you" 

Colby:"really"Colby jumps up 

Sam:"yeah..but you need to be blind folded"

 Colby:"I'm scared now"Colby sits back down 

Sam:"its nothing scary i promise but we have to drive to it" 

Colby:"okay fine lets go.." 

Sam:"great"Sam runs to his room and  grabs his phone and a shirt to cover Colby's eyes 

Sam: "okay lets go.." 


sam has Colby blind folded and Sam drives to the doctors 

sam:"okay were here keep the blind fold on ill lead you in"


sam hold  Colby's hand and goes inside and signs him in to see a doctor 

"hi uh my friend here hasn't been fee-"Sam was interrupted by Colby 


Sam: its for your own good Colby.." colby took off the blind fold and looked around 


Sam:"No Colby we have to see whats wrong with you"colby tried leaving but sam was holding onto Colby's arm trying not to let go

Sam:Colby look at me" Colby turns to sam "your going to be fine trust me"


Sam: sit down and promise me you won't leave.."Colby sit down and stares at the floor tapping his foot while sam sighs him in 

+time pass+

pediatrician:Cole brock 

Colby:Sam can you come with me 


after the doctor took test on Colby she came back in with news 

Doctor:well cole you've been diagnosed with depression i insist you go to counseling and also want you to pull up your sleeves 

Colby:Don't think thats necessary 

Doctor:Cole i know it feels like your alone but your not you have your best friend we just want to help you 

Sam walks up to Colby and pushes up his sleeves 

Sam:Colby..why haven't you told me anything 

tears start forming in Colby's eyes

Colby:i didn't want to worry you 

Sam:i wasn't gunna be worried well i mean i was but i was just gunna take you to counseling and you should go 


I HAVE A NEW BOOK OUT!!! called angel's fall it's going to be way better than this one so go read it pleaseee. 

thanks for reading 

this is a bit short whoops 

ill make the next one longer 

Again~solby Where stories live. Discover now