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Solby? Pt.1

The ambulance come 5 mins later and lift up sam and since colby isn't family he can't ride with sam so he runs to his car and also do the roommates

Sam's pov
If he's happy and I'm not what's the point of living..
I go to the kitchen and grab a knife corey and elton were in the living room so I tried being as quiet as possible,I cried for 5minutes and decided it was time,I line up the knife on the top of my wrist and push in and cut,all I remember is corey,elton,and colby running towards me and colby on the phone and paramedics putting me on a bed and it all went black

Sam got to the hospital earlier than colby because colby has to wait in LA traffic which takes up to an hour or two.
Once colby gets there he runs up to the front desk

"Hi..what room is Samuel John golbach in?"colby says

"Room 372"

"Okay thanks" Colby runs in that room and sees the blue eyed blond boy unconscious

"Sam why.."Colby runs his fingers through Sam's hair

"He's gunna be fine colby just chill" Brennen says annoyed

"I can't chill that's my bestfriend also like my brother,my other half,my soul mate,my everything.."

"Alright then"brennen walks out

"Wait no brennen sorry" Colby runs after him

"No colby if you love him so much why don't you just date him because I'm done...no actually "were" done.."

"No please brennen I can't lose you too"
Colby hold Brennen's hand

"Then you should've thought of what you said goodbye colby" Brennen give colby a kiss on his cheek then leaves
Colby walks back in the room and sits down with his head in his hands

"It's gunna be okay colby.."corey says while rubbing colby's back

"What if it's not what if I lose him.."

"Don't say that....I promise you he's gunna be fine"

"Okay.."Colby walks up to sam and holds his hand "Come on sam don't leave me"
=time skip=
"Hey colby me and devyn got to go we have to announce our surprise" corey says

"Yeah and the person who's taking care of the dog is off shift and I have to pay her " aaron says while padding colby back

"I have to send out send it packets but I'll be back tomorrow with food"

"Same " Everyone says

"Alright see you guys tomorrow"

"Bye " Everyone waves at colby and leaves 

"We'll sam it's just you and me now" Colby just goes on his phone and hopes sam wakes up soon

Thanks for reading :)
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