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car accident 


I yelled Colby's name to make sure he was okay I shook him there was so responds,I quickly got out of the car and there was already so many people surrounding me,Colby,and a stranger. I ran to Colby's side and try to get him out, The door wasn't opening so I broke the window and got him out, "Come on Colby..wake up." I tried getting Colby to wake up but I couldn't. I walked over to the person car and no one was there, I was confused but I went back to Colby he wasn't injured bad he just had some cuts on himself and I did too. I put Colby on my back and walked home because it wasn't that far, I knocked on the door because It was locked,aaron open the door quickly, "omg sam are you guys okay I just saw the news!" Aaron helped sam get colby to his room, "sam, what happen?" Aaron asked "we got in a little car accident " sam said while taking off colby's shoes
"Why didn't you go to the hospital?!" "I'm not hurt neither is colby."sam replied "You sure I'll drive you guys" Aaron said worried "aaron were fine I promise" "Alright then there's food down stairs if you want some" aaron said "Nah I'm good" "Alright then I'll try to save you some haha" aaron heads down stairs and sam gets in bed with colby and cuddles with him and falls asleep, 20 minutes later sam hears a bloody murder scream "What the hell was that!" Sam runs down stairs "OMG NO!"

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