The disappearing headline

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Sawyer's POV

I walk into the small café in the middle of town, sitting in my corner table I see a newspaper on the table. Sitting down I open the newspaper slowly skimming the page a headline catches my eye.    Multiple women found dead in the forest in Quinnimont, West Virginia.  Multiple women were found dead this morning. No leads on the investigation.

Wait what, this never happens everyone knows everyone here

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Wait what, this never happens everyone knows everyone here. I would have known if their was someone new in town. Feeling the hairs on the back of my neck stand.

Looking around I don't see anything suspicious except my eyes keep getting draw to one spot, getting the chills I turn around and look back at the news paper. The article was gone. Looking through the pages I see no proof that the article was ever printed.

''What would you like ma'am'',startling me I look at the waitress, ''A ch-chocolate frappe please.''. She walks of to go make my coffee while I sit here staring at the newspaper questioning my sanity. After getting my coffee I start  the long walk home , I keep getting an eerie feeling when I think about the spot across from the café. Making it home I am still curious. Making a split  decision I  go to my room and grab a backpack packing flashlights, gloves, knife, sweatshirt, food ,and water.  

Skip to twilight hour

 Walking out of the house I walk back to the café, ordering a coffee I sit down at my table. Waiting for the right time to leave I feel the sensation of being watched, looking around I realize that I was the only one in the café. I pay for the coffee and walk out of the café, I start walking into the forest not knowing were I was going. Finally I come across something I've never seen before an abandoned circus or carnival.    

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