Meeting the Magician and the Ringmaster

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Walking in the  abandoned area I look around at the scary buildings and old rides. I start walking, looking at all the ground trying to figure out why I found this   place. CRACK

 Looking behind me I see someone standing their, letting out a low chuckle he starts walking closer and close. Staring at him I ask '' Who are you'' smiling he looks at me ''You'll find out soon dear ''. He gazes at something behind me and smiles a spin-chilling smile and disappears. Searching for him in the darkness I fear what he was gazing upon  behind me. Turning around I see a man with a wipe , gulping I look him in the eyes trying not to seem scared. He gives a low chuckle ''  No need to be frightened dearie I wont hurt you, yet.'' ''Who are you?'' '' I'm the Ringmaster but don't worry my lions are asleep , I don't want them to waste a blink of an eye on you ,''   

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