Ventriloquist Backstory

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As a child I always worshiped my older brother, he wasn't always the best influence but I never cared. Over the years he found more things that made him happy like , ecstasy, alcohol, and weapons . My mother always told him he was sick but I didn't believe her and neither did he, but one day he didn't come home which was normal. Days turned into weeks and after a  few months my family quit trying, almost three months later the police knocked on our door saying they found him. He died from a drug overdose, I couldn't handle the loneliness so I started making  up voices in my head, that was until they started taking over. All day everyday the voices in my head told me stuff horrible stuff, at least the therapist said they were horrible . I loved them I would never be lonely as long as do what they say, everyone thought that I had lost my sanity the day my brother died, but I believe that I am more sane now than I ever was.  I found my best friend at the market one day, he was just sitting there with tons of junk all around him. I bought him and we became inseparable , father tried to take him away saying I was to old for dolls, so I killed him. Mother was infuriated so I killed her to, then I ran away to find people who would accept me. I found this circus and became friends with the magician and ringmaster, their nice people and even said I could  have a stage to preform. I work for them now and it is the second best thing to ever happen to me behind Robert.

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