Richard's Surprise

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-3 Days Earlier-

 *Audrey's POV

"Audrey!" Derek called from his office.

I came running into his office wth my coffee spilling everywhere.

"Yes, Mr. Weaver?" I asked. 

I was terrified at my boss. No one ever was called into his office unless either urgent or you were going to get canned. 

"Ms. Ander, will you please explain to me WHAT THE HELL IS LARRY STYLINSON!???" He replied.

I stared at him in complete and utter shock. I don't know what shocked me more. The fact that the Chief of management of One Direction didn't know what Larry Stylinson was or that he had called me for THAT? 

"I beg your pardon, sir?" I asked. 

"Ms. Ander, my neice has begged me to let Larry Stylinson "out of the closet"? What on heaven's earth does that mean?" He said losing his patience.

"Er. Well sir, Larry Stylinson is a bromance between Harry and Louis of One Direction." I replied.

"Ahhh. Excelent. Ms. Ander?" He asked once more.

"Yes, sir?" I asked getting a bit fustrated as I was suppose to be having lunch with my brother.

"Ms. Ander, since I trust you will not mess up, I am planning a party for the boys-"

"Men" I corrected.

"Ah, yes. A party for the men's latest ablum success....I do hope you come." He said.

I smiled, "Of course, sir." 

He smiled, "Good. You must set up the party and have invitations sent out by tonight." 

My mouth would have swung open and I would have cursed and probably jump Mr. Weaver and choked him. 

But I simply said, "Yes, sir."

And walked out.

Great. I had to set up a entire party for One Direction because of Midnight Memories by tonight! 

I sighed, "I hate my job." 

I headed out to see my brother at a resturant not to far from the office. It was a snowy day in London today. I would have complained since I'm a foreginer here and didn't particularly love the cold weather. I'm from California. Yes, united states. What am I doing here anyways? I should be bathing in the sun surrounded by hot ass sufers not in this cold dump. 

Then I remembered Derek had chose me to tag along on the One Direction ride ever since the X-Factor. Simon Cowell had hired Derek to basically "take care" of the boys-men. So it's been quite a while I've been with them. Well, not litterally, since I work behind the scenes and never once have caught a glimpse of the British/Irish boys. 

But ever since Midnight Memories was realeased, Derek had me move here. To London. He says that this is litterally the biggest achievement the boys has ever had. I honestly think he's stupid at times. But I got what he meant. One Direction claimed the world. And with MM in every Directioners head. There's no stopping them now. 

I see Richard, my brother sitting there. How am I going to break it to him? I mean I never get to see him and tonight I won't be since there's this party.

"Hey, Rich!" I shout as I hug my brother from behind. 

"Audrey! Hey. Please sit sit." He says as he smiles at me.

"So..what'ya ordering?" I say.

"Er. Chicken with rice." He says as he places his menu down.

"Yuck. I'm going to get a burger." I reply eyeing the burger section very carefully.

"Sis. There's something I need to tell you" Richard whispers.

I look up at my younger brother, "Yeah?"

He smiles,"I've met this girl at the university...."

I smile wide, "Damn, Rich, you be tappin' that."

He shakes his head, "No, you idiot, I really like her...alot." 

"What's her name, Romeo?" I taunt.

He smiles at her name, "Rosie Esther."

I can see he's in love. It's been a while since my brother has had a girlfriend. Especially since his last one litterally left him at the alter. 

"That's awesome. When do I get to meet her?" I ask.

He looks up at me, "Audrey, I'm marrying her."

"What!?" I ask.

"We've been dating for about 8 months now. And I think- I know she's the one. I've asked her to marry me last night. She said yes." He explained.

I stared at him, "I can't believe this."

He frowned, "I never got the chance to show you her, and I'm sorry. You were always too busy. But now you'll get to see her, Audrey. At the alter. Or before that! You'll love her, sis." 

I forced a smile, "Knowing you love her is enough for me to love her."

He smiled, "Thanks. You're understanding."

I nodded. And with that I ate lunch with him talking about Rosie Esther. I just hope she wouldn't break his heart. He's the only thing left of family I've got. 

My mind suddenly came back to reality.  Shit, the party!

"Richard, I've got to head out. There's alot of wor-" I started.

"It's fine, sis. I'll see ya when I can." He interrupted.

"Ok. Hey, I wanna meet Rosie the next time we have lunch!" I said as I walked out. 

I only saw my brother nod and wave. 

I sighed when I met the cold hit me as I opened the resturant doors. I started walking back to the office to send out invitations. 

But I couldn't get my brother's engagement out of my head. 

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