The Spill

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I smiled and continued eating my pizza slice until we had finished.

- "So Audrey....tell me about yourself?"

I stared up at a concentrated Liam that was looking at me.

- "What do you want to know?"

He smiled, "Anything."

I sighed, "Well I'm originally from California. And I have one brother here."

He nodded, "And your parents?"

I frowned, "They died a few years ago in a car accident."

He pulled me into a hug, "I'm so sorry."

I smiled, "It's fine. It was a long time ago"

He smirked at me but I could tell he was annoyed at himself for asking such a question and to recieve that answer.

-"So..Liam, care to explain why you live in such a building" I asked sarcasically in order to lighten the mood.

He nodded and lead me into the living room.

-"Well, Audrey, if you must know I was given this here building."

I arched my eyebrow.

-"Yep. Harry actually used to own this. He traded this piece of shit for a cottage not far out of London. Little did he know that I actually wanted it. So I bribed the new owner and eventually got it. Soon enough...I ended up buying this entire ghost town." He explained.

I nodded, "Why spend so much on this?"

His cheeks reddened before answering, "I lost my virginity to girl here."

I gasped.

What? That can't be true! This-That. Is just weird of Liam to buy a building. A building where he...did it?

-"Sorry Audrey. But this is just a very special house...."

I shooked my head that was errupting with questions to ask Liam. But I pushed them aside for now.

-"What, um, happened?"

He looked at me,"Sex happened, duh."

I forced a smile, "The aftermath, Liam"

-"Oh. She moved after my mother pressed charges. I...i haven't heard from her since."

Pressed charges?

-"Did you love her?" God dammit, Audrey! Ask the questions in your mind!!

-"Not exactly..."

-"What do you mean 'not exactly'?" I asked Liam.

He nervously drank more wine. I noticed he nearly choked on it when his eyes met mine again.

-"Why does it even matter, Audrey?"

I glanced at the sofa across from me. Why would I want to know if Liam loved the girl he lost his virginity too anyways? This conversation was turning awkward by the moment...yet I couldn't quite end this semi-obsessive feeling to know the answer. Oh god, am I that typical controlling girlfriend? Girlfriend? Whoa, Audrey, you're taking this simple dinner...way to serious!


I looked up to Liam's warm brown eyes. He was waiting for an answer.

-"Um.. I think you should lose your virginity to someone special. You know someone"

He nodded and his eyes went dark now, "Did you love the person you lost your virginity too?"

I stared wide-eyed at me, "I asked you first!"

He chuckled, "An answer for an answer, Audrey."

I huffed, "Fine. I did love the person I lost mines too."

He smirked, "Details?"

I rolled my eyes, recieving a laugh from Liam.

-"He was a friend of my brother. His name was Jack and we lost it in my college dorm at UCLA.."

Liam clapped his hands in admiration.

I shoved him, "What?"

He smiled while taking another swing of his wine, "Waited till college to lose it. That's something to be very proud of. Audrey, you honestly make me jealous"

I smiled at his confession. It was probably something stupid to be jealous of but he made me feel so special about it and-

-"Audrey's blushing!" Liam laughed.

-"Shut up!"

He laughed harder before putting his hand on my knee, "You're so beautiful"

I rolled my eyes seeing as it was probably just the wine making him saying that.

-"No blushing?"

I saw Liam pout.

-"Tell me your first time then I'll blush"

He grinned, "Ok! I was visiting Harry during our early years of One Direction. And well, there was this girl..named Rouge. She worked here as a maid. And was a few years older than me. Well she grew this obsession over Harry but he didn't act on it. But when she met me...she...she...shewantedmeatwhatevercost.."

I laid my hand on his shoulder, "What?"

He stared at me with glossy eyes, "Audrey, she turned her obession on me. She followed me everywhere and took my things. I being stupid just thought she was plain adorable and harmless. That she was probably just fangirling. One day Harry and his family went on some event and I waiting for him there...but I wasn't alone."

I felt him tense, "She was there with me. I didn't think she was strong. So very very strong. She told me she knew things....good things. And that she wanted to show me. I foolessly followed her into the guest bedroom...and and we did it."

I gasped.

He turned to me with tear strained cheeks, "I told you I didn't exactly love her because I didn' the begining. I felt forced my first time. But after..I did feel better? Throughout the week she taught me new things. And I began to fall in love with her. My feelings were too strong. But she was just using me...for sex."

I nodded slowly and reached to hug him. He cried into my arms. I never expected Liam to have such a horrifying past like this. No wonder his mother pressed charges. Her son was raped and continuesly raped. I now knew something dark about Liam. I'm just happy he seemed to trust me with all of this.

He pulled away, "Audrey, I haven't told anyone but my parents's just that you really seemed determined to get some background info on this place and I wanted so badly to tell a friend."

Friend? Oh shut up Audrey! Not many girls get to even get the chance.

-"I'm so happy you trusted me with this, Liam."

He nodded and laughed, "Of course I trust you! You kept my ex away from the party!"

I smiled. Now there's a happy cheery Liam Payne that I was starting to....oh god, no he's just a friend Audrey!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2014 ⏰

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