Start Spreading The News

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Mary picked up the mail off the table. She had been gone all day so her husband had gotten the mail from their box, a rare occurrence. Chandler usually chose not to do mundane tasks such as getting the mail. Knowing that Chandler had done it today made Mary smile.

"You're home! Finally!" a man's voice said from behind.

"You act like one day with our son was torture." Mary smiled, as she dropped the mail and turned to face her husband.

"You kidding me?! It was a piece of cake. I just missed you, especially during those diaper changes." Chandler grinned.

"And so the truth comes out." Mary laughed, "Where is James anyways?"

"In his crib napping," Chandler answered as he placed a kiss on Mary's lips.

Suddenly the door to the apartment burst open and in came Lizzy. Mary and Lizzy had been friends for ten years. Their friendship had always been more like a sisterhood. Lizzy and Mary had made sure to move next door to each other once they were married. Before that, they shared an apartment. Mary hadn't always lived in New York; in fact, she and Lizzy had been friends for a few years before she made the move from Kansas.

"Hi, Lizzy, so nice of you to drop in," Chandler said sarcastically.

"Oh, be quiet, Chandler. I have news that just couldn't wait." Lizzy pointed out.

"Fine! You ladies have your moment. I'll go next door to have guy time with Hunter." Chandler said as he walked out the door.

Once Chandler had left, Lizzy rounded on Mary once more. Mary could tell by just glancing at her that she had something really exciting to tell. The thought made Mary smile; it had been a while since Lizzy had smiled like this.

"So what is it that caused you to so eagerly come over here?" Mary asked her best friend.

"You sure you are ready for it?" Lizzy asked, her eyes glowing.

"Yes." said Mary excitedly.

"I AM PREGNANT!" Lizzy squealed jumping up and down with excitement.

"OH MY GOSH! That is so exciting!" Mary grabbed her best friend into a bear hug. Mary knew she and Hunter were trying to have a child with no success so far. It was really frustrating seeing her best friend struggle.

"You're the first person I told, well except Hunter," Lizzy said quite calmly.

"I can tell Chandler, right?" asked Mary.

"Oh yeah, we just don't want to announce it to the world quite yet." Mary gave Lizzy a look, wondering why she didn't want to shout it from the rooftops. Lizzy caught the glance,

"Hunter doesn't want to jinx it before we go to the doctor."

"Don't lips are sealed." Mary reassured her friend.

The women then switched their topic of conversation to their husband's jobs. Lizzy's husband, Hunter was in the middle of rehearsals for his show. He had recently landed the lead role in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. It was his dream job and so naturally Lizzy shared in his joy at landing it. Chandler worked long hours producing and even acting in movies and TV shows around NYC.

Suddenly a whining came from the baby monitor. Mary waited a few seconds hoping James would settle down on his own. She sighed when she realized that that was not the case. With a look towards Lizzy and a shrug of the shoulders, Lizzy is alerted to the fact that their girl time is over for the night. As she left the apartment with a goodbye hug and a promise of speaking with Mary tomorrow, Chandler snuck back to his family.

Out of the corner of her eye, Mary saw Chandler smile and get a twinkle in his eye. After two years of marriage, Mary knew that this look meant although he loved her it was not something that he wanted to deal with right now.

Once she was back from the nursery, Chandler reached his arms around Mary's waist and pulled her into a big embrace. He closed his eyes and laid his chin on her shoulder. A smile graced his lips as he kissed Mary's neck. He whispered apologies into her ear. Mary let him continue to apologize not wanting the moment to end. She loved it when Chandler was really romantic with her.

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