Bows and First Kicks

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Sunday morning around 9am, Hunter opened his eyes and smiled at the view of his beloved wife, Lizzy, sleeping by his side. He looked at every inch of her sculpted body, watching her ribs go up and down as she breathed, sleeping like an angel. Unable to resist the need of touching her, Hunter ran his hand through her hair, pulling it away from her face. Revealing her gorgeous face, he smiled. Without opening her eyes, she pushed closer to him, close enough for her to be nuzzling her nose in his bare chest. He wrapped his arms around her, pressing her body to his, kissing and smelling her hair.

"Did I wake you, sweetie?" Hunter whispered in her hair.

"Mmm... Kind of..." Lizzy said against his skin, keeping her eyes closed.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..." Hunter said kissing her forehead.

"I don't care..." Lizzy said pressing a soft and light kiss on his chest. "Being in your arms is way better than sleep." She loved opening her eyes and seeing him, her very first view of every single morning, smiling at her and looking so in love.

"Well, as much as you love being in my arms, tonight's the big night and we've got a lot of stuff to do."

"Yeah, Mary, Marta and I have a girl's day planned."

"Alright, you go have fun with her, I've got some last minute things to take care of for tonight." said Hunter, as he kissed Lizzy's forehead and stepped out of bed.

That afternoon, Lizzy and Mary had appointments to get their haircut and their nails done, the perfect day of pampering. Both Lizzy and Mary needed some girl time together. Mary was busy taking care of James and Lizzy enjoyed being pampered during her pregnancy.

Lizzy knocked excitedly on Mary's door before their appointments. She couldn't believe this night was already here. She had been crossing off days on the calendar, counting down the days until tonight. Mary opened the door, catching Lizzy in a daze.

"You ok, Lizzy?' she asked.

"Yeah, just excited that's all."

"I'll bet. Come on in. I'm almost ready, just some last minute things with Chandler and James."

Just then, Chandler came from the kitchen, carrying James on his hip. "Ah so you ladies headed out to make yourselves look pretty," Chandler paused and faced James "not that momma needs it, huh bud."


At the spa, Mary and Lizzy met up with Marta. Marta was another member of what Mary used to refer to as "the Broadway buds", back when she was still in Kansas. Marta had moved from Spain and married Thayne Jasperson. The three friends had decided to meet up and get themselves pampered as well as get in a little bit of girl time, which was something that rarely happened these days. For all of them it was nice to have some girl time together, especially on occasions like this. They each had appointments for manicures and pedicures.

The woman at the front desk looked about thirty with long jet black hair, pink makeup, and really pretty red nails. "Welcome, how may I help you?" the woman asked.

"We're all here for manicures and pedicures." said Lizzy taking charge.

"Well follow me." The four girls were lead to the back for their manicures and pedicures. They chose some great colors and got ready to relax for the next hour or so.

While sitting for their pedicures, the girls chatted about life, jobs, and kids. Marta's dance studio was doing well and she and Thayne were talking about starting a family.

"Ug, I'm going to look so fat in my dress, Hunter is going to hate it," Lizzy said, feeling down on herself.

Marta looked up from her magazine.

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