First Word?

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Mary was frustrated; her baby boy had not said his first word! She knew it was a little early for an actual word but she'd hoped for something that was recognizable and not just baby garble. She was really pushing him to say 'Mama' but every time he just stared at her with a blank look!

With the baby in front of her, she stared at him and he stared back unblinking.

"James, can you say Mama?" a smile appeared on James' face. "Mama? Can you say it?"

James laughed and threw his spoon to the floor. He scanned the kitchen as if he were looking for something. "Just what are you looking for?" asked Mary as she smiled at her child. James Massey met her eyes and opened his mouth, as if he were about to say something.

Just then the door opened and in walked Chandler, smiling at his family. "Has he said anything yet?" he asked as he kissed his wife on the lips. Mary sighed and shook her head "He's being stubborn as ever, I bet he got that from you."

Chandler gave a laugh as he bent down so he could see his son eye-to-eye. "Can you say, Dada?"

Chandler asked James as he picked him up. James giggled in response and continued looking around.

Mary smiled back; she just loved her son's smile.

Chandler leaned down and captured Mary's lips with his then he leaned down and kissed James' forehead.

"My little James," he whispered against his forehead.

James giggled and tugged on his hair.

"Say Dada", Chandler said to the little guy who was gurgling and bouncing in his arms. "Da-Da."

"He's going to say "Mama" first and you know it", Mary called from the kitchen. "I never lost a bet."

Chandler grumbled under his breath. "This will be the first one you lose", he said while picking up his little guy and holding him up in the air. "Say dada, James. Dada."

James kicked his legs out and giggled, making a small smile fall on Chandler's face.

"Dada", he said slowly, watching James tilt his head and look at him curiously. "Dah. Dah."

"Ahhh!" he squealed as he kicked his legs out again and laughed. Mary smiled as she walked towards them and slowly took James from Chandler's hands. Cuddling James to her chest, Mary poked her nose, watching James giggle again.

"Say mama sweetheart. Mama." James giggled and Mary sighed. "Mama? Ma? I have a lot riding on your first word you know."

James suddenly yawned and Mary cradled the baby to her chest, meeting Chandler's eyes with a smile.

"Da da da da da dada dada dada" James babbled.

"What was that? Did you say 'dada'?" James smiled, but now remained quiet. "Come on, baby James. Say it again." James kept smiling away, his legs kicking into the air. "Say 'dada', 'dada'.

"Dada!" he squealed, then laughed.

Chandler froze in his tracks. Mary dropped her jaw in disbelief. "Did she just say what I think she said?" Chandler asked cautiously.

"His first word!" Mary said, her face breaking into a huge 100-watt smile. Chandler was smiling, too.

Mary took James in her arms.

"Can you say it again?" he asked, looking down at her.

"Can you say it again, baby? Dada" Mary asked.

"Dada, dada, dada, dada!" he said over and over again in a high pitched voice.

Mary cradled her to her chest and kissed his cheek.

"My baby's first word!" Mary cooed at her.

"Dada!" he said again before breaking out into laughter.

"Told you he would say daddy" Chandler smiled.

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