First Steps

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Two pairs of eyes, one green and two blue were staring at an almost year old James. The little man was clutching the side of the bed, about to walk towards the person calling his name.

"James, come here. Come on." Chandler had his hands out and was nodding at his little man hoping he would take his first step before their lives got hectic. Soon his TV show would be in full swing and he'd be busier than ever.

Mary was sitting next to Chandler and put her hand on his forearm when James let go of the table. It looked like he was going to take his first steps.

"He's gonna do it!" Mary watched as her baby stood by himself

James could see everyone's smiles but his knees were starting to wobble. Before he knew it his bottom hit the floor.

"Oh, Almost." Mary laughed and scooted over to James and put the baby in her lap. "You were so close, little man." Dipping her head to the little guy's face, Mary blew a raspberry on his cheek,

"Come on, we can do it!"

Laughing, James looked over to his dad and flapped her hands while mumbling something in her baby squabble. Mary got James on his feet and was lightly holding his hips. "Go get 'em. Get Daddy."

Chandler had his eyes on James and nodded at Mary so she could take her hands away.

" Whatcha gonna do?" Chandler smiled at his girl and watched as she leaned forward. He saw Mary reach out to steady James but Chandler shook his head, "Hold on, Mer. Let's see if he can get it."

It was hard not to make sure her baby didn't go face first into the floor but she knew it was best. Mary lowered her hands and watched James in front of her.

Chandler looked to his son, "Come on, James. You can do it." He held his hands out and nodded, "It's just a couple steps."

Responding to his dad, James thought he was doing what he was supposed to, but instead of lifting his foot he didn't and her momentum carried her forward. Falling with his hands out, the 11-month-old caught himself but his head acted like an anchor and his forehead smacked against the floor.

Chandler leaned over toward the fallen child and scooped him up, "Not today, huh?"

The little guy started wiggling around and Chandler laughed, "Here." as he handed James to Mary.

"Lololola." James started to roll his tongue around as if she wanted to say something.

Chandler leaned back on the bed and moved his head so he could see James crawling over the comforter his way. "What are you trying to say, James?" Chandler grabbed Jamie's sides and started to shake him so the boy started to laugh.

Mary watched as James fell off his father into the pillows and then looked at Chandler. Every moment, every instance she saw him with their child like this her heart melted. It was a wonder she had any semblance of a heart left after all their years together. Her heart may have melted away but it wasn't gone. Chandler had it. He would always have it.


Later that afternoon, Mary was puttering around the apartment when she heard the door open. "Hey. What are you doing here? I mean not that you aren't welcome but..."

"I'm so ready to be done. I'm just so tired of being pregnant." Lizzy leaned her head back onto the couch, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.

"I hear you. I remember that feeling towards the end, but just think about what you get at the end.

"Yeah, I know. I just want to be done with this part and meet our daughter. Hey, how's James's walking going?" inquired Lizzy, changing subjects.

Mary looked over at her little man and saw him crawling towards the piano. "We're trying but it's not happening."

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