Baby Shower

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Lizzy walked out of their bedroom as she heard the door open. Hunter walked into the apartment, and rubbing his eyes he flopped on the couch, exhausted. She came and sat next to Hunter on the sofa, and he put his arm around her.

Lizzy laid her head on Hunter's chest, her eyes slowly started to shut. Hunter lifted Lizzy's head by placing his finger under her chin and lightly kissed her. She nuzzled back onto him in hopes he would play with her hair. He laughed and finally gave in.

"What did you do today?" Hunter asked her.

"Not much, some errands, some grocery shopping for the party tomorrow."

Hunter kissed the top of her head, and held her tightly, as she closed her eyes in exhaustion.

"Being pregnant really tires me out," Lizzy said, yawning on cue.

Hunter could tell just how tired Lizzy was and sluggishly got up off the couch.

"Where are we going?" she whined.

"You're exhausted, so I'm putting you to bed, plus you've got a big day tomorrow." offering his hand to Lizzy.

Hunter tugged her hand, and she got up off the couch and followed him into the bedroom.

"That's right, I almost forgot." Lizzy couldn't believe she had almost forgotten that the next day was her baby shower. Mary had planned the whole thing and invited a lot of their friends. Lizzy was grateful that Hunter had reminded her. "Wait, you're coming too, right?" Lizzy asked hopefully.

Once in their bedroom, she pulled Hunter down onto the bed with her.

"Well, I wouldn't want you to have to sleep alone now, would I?" Hunter grinned.

Hunter got undressed, and then smiling at the sleepy expression on his wife's face, he gently undressed Lizzy too, and they both crawled into bed.

"I love you." He smiled as he kissed her again. Lizzy let out a sigh of relief. He couldn't have told her at a more perfect time. She squeezed him tight as she kissed him back.

"I love you too." She said with a smile.

Laying in each other's arms they quickly fell asleep.


"No, Chandler, more to the left." Mary groaned for what seemed like the thousandth time in only the last two hours. Even so, he did as Mary had asked, shifting the banner reading "It's a Girl!" a few inches to the left. "Now it's crooked," his wife complained, again.

"Dammit, Mer, I've been moving this one banner for the past ten minutes now."

"It's only been seven minutes."

"Mer" Chandler sighed, giving up on the argument. "You know, you could help instead of criticising me." Chandler rolled his eyes.

"I've been helping plenty."

"You've been sitting there on the couch for the past two hours now!"

"I see things have been going well over here," said Lizzy as she walked into Mary and Chandler's apartment, which was always open. Soft, fun music played in the background as Mary's apartment was decorated in loads of 'It's A Girl!' decorations. She had invited all their close friends, Matt and Max, Rachel and Aaron, Marta and Thayne, Freddie and Alyssa, Jeremy and his wife Ashley with his son Matthew, Kober and his wife Farrah with their son Asher and James with his family.

All the guests arrived with food and small decorative bags and boxes-which Lizzy assumed were presents. Hunter met each couple at the door, took both parcels, placing the food in the kitchen and laying the presents on the dining room table.

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