Chapter 1

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There are things in this world of a mysterious nature.  Events that may seem like a coincidence can change the course of a person’s life for the better, or send an entire world into darkness and chaos.  Is it chance?  Is it destiny?  And if there is a greater design, then is there such a thing as free will, or are we all just puppets of the same master?  How can we make the right choices without knowing the end?  

The wisest of the wise do not know the answer to those questions.

Except one.  


MELIN: The Light of Eriador


Chapter 1

Merlin crashed into his bed and felt the tiredness overpower him the moment his head hit the pillow.  The day’s countless hours of labour had left him sore and mentally exhausted.  He had depleted his extensive collection of witty substitutes for “prat” to the point where he could not think of a synonym that he hadn’t use at least twice.  On the bright side, he had succeeded in annoying Arthur all day; on the other hand, he had brought upon himself an abundance of additional shores that his body would have happily lived without.

All he wanted was to close his eyes and not think about anything only for a few minutes, until he fell deeply…

“You’re not going to sleep now, are you?”

Without seeing him, he could easily imagine Gaius standing in the threshold with his arms folded and a scolding look.

“I sure am,” he grumbled without opening his eyes.

“You’re not taking your studies seriously, Merlin.  I gave you books and they are not so that you can use them to pile up clothes.”

Merlin glanced sideways at what he knew to be the resting place of three or four of old and voluminous books which were now covered by a lump of blue, red and brown fabric.

“I have to mend those.”

“You’re not going to become a good physician if you don’t bother to learn the basics,” said Gaius while taking a step into Merlin’s chambers.

The comment made Merlin spring and sit in his bed to face his old mentor.

“I’m not having that conversation,” he protested grumpily.  “I’m much too tired.”

Gaius had grown more and more restless and conscious of his age, which had resulted in Merlin showing more enthusiasm than what he was actually feeling just to cheer him up.  One thing leading to another, Merlin’s new attitude had also resulted in the birth of a whole new idea in Gaius’s mind: Merlin the Physician.  Gaius was now insisting that Merlin spent more time studying anatomy, herbs, potions and everything else that was important for the position.  What had started as a trivial comment about the future had turned into and obsession and now the young sorcerer wished he had never opened the door to the possibility at all.

“Merlin,” said Gaius pointedly, enunciating the surname as he did when matters were serious, “you can easily imagine that someday I may not be here and…”

The young man slouched back unto his bed and buried his face in the pillow.  “I’m not listening.”

He could hear Gaius pace around the room.  

“That’s very mature, Merlin.  Maybe you do not see yourself as Prince Arthur’s manservant all your life, but I guarantee you that you’re going to be court physician long before you become court sorcerer.”

“No, I’m not,” said Merlin, annoyed.  “I’m going to be King Arthur’s manservant before I am court physician, and that is assuming that I’ll be court physician at all, which I very much doubt.  I’d rather be court sorcerer.  That would just be…”

Merlin: The Light of EriadorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora