Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"Am I dead?"

"Not yet."

Merlin opened his eyes to find himself staring into the lovely face of a woman. For a moment, her features were shrouded in a pale light. As his eyes got adjusted to his surroundings, the light faded away to reveal a soft expression that was reminding him strangely of his mother.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Glinda."

With a jolt, he realised that he was still in the tent where he and Prince Odran had been brought. However, he wasn't tied up anymore. I passed out, he thought. His immediate reaction was to look at his chest. It was bare, and there was a thin red line where the deep cut had been. There was no more pain, except for a slight headache.

"It's all right. I'm a Healer," said the woman in the same soft tone.

He was glad that he still had his shirt, even though it was pulled up. He felt a little awkward in her presence. He was even afraid that he was blushing. She wore a flowing white and green dress, simple, but that seemed to wrap her in a sort of pale glow. A Healer, he thought. She has magic which means... She's the woman I heard in my head in the woods! She was the one hesitating about attacking Ulrik and Arthur.

"Thank you," he murmured.

"How about untying me, huh?"

Merlin wheeled around and saw the Vallonian prince kneeling, hands tied together in front of him, and then chained to a pole at the center of the tent. He had an arrogant smirk on his face that was reminding Merlin of Arthur.

"If you escape, my husband will kill me himself," the woman, Glinda, said as she cut Odran's bonds.

Merlin could read the conflict in her eyes.

"Who is your husband?" asked Merlin, keeping his voice down.

"He's the one holding you here. He's also the one who is going to kill Ulrik of Vallonia and Arthur Pendragon."

Merlin immediately sprang to his feet.

"Slow down!" she said, holding her hands up to stop him. "You cannot escape this camp."

"Maybe he can," said Odran threateningly. "Maybe he has magic."

Merlin almost passed out again, but this time out of shock. He expected to see surprise on the woman's face, but instead there was only a pleading expression.

"I know," she said. "You... You're Emrys, aren't you?"

He slumped unto the ground, the name reaching inside of him like a dagger. That name again. It's the name that Mordred uses, he thought. He could feel the weight of the prophecy on him like a burden. He hated not being in control of his destiny more than he had had the courage to admit to anyone.

"You must be hungry."

Glinda stood up and disappeared through the opening in the tent. Merlin followed her with his gaze and saw the silhouette of a child against the canvas, but no guards. She spoke to the boy, and then she returned. In her arms, she had Merlin's brown cloak.

"Willie is going to return with bread," she announced.

"Willie?" said Odran. He had noticed the child as well.

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