Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

He had to wait until the whole group of knights had left the courtyard until he could sneak into the stables and saddle a horse.  It was still pouring and he borrowed an old brown cloak from one distracted servant as he passed by.  It was the sort of heavy, uncomfortable wrap that he hated, but that would keep him from the cold rain.  The sting on his side was throbbing increasingly and he knew right away that he may have stretched a little too far when he mounted his horse.  Still there was an undeniable urgency about the situation that couldn’t be ignored on account of his injuries.  Arthur and his knights, King Ulrik and the Vallonians; they were all running into a potentially fatal encounter.

As he rode out of Camelot at a fast pace, Merlin remembered the green flame of the burning rock.  He could recall easily every word spoken by the deafening voice at that moment:   

Creatures of magic, we are brothers and sisters.  You can find us where the forest is green as it is where our power is stronger.  Be free of the walls of stone, become one with the Earth and Sky.  If you are one of us, then join us.  If you choose to be our enemy, then fear us and die.  This is our last offer.

There was no doubt in his mind as to where Arthur and Ulrik were taking the knights.  The forest was thicker and fuller in the South.  There were a few places, just off the road, where a group of people could easily take refuge.  If they were not many, and if they knew how to set up good defences or traps, the forest would give them the advantage.  Moreover, the knights would have to seek them out on foot.  

As if such powerful magic alone isn’t enough, Merlin thought bitterly.

He wasn’t sure at all what he would be able to offer as help in his present condition, but he had to try.  He didn’t know the extent of the enchantment or curse that had been cast upon him, but at least he could feel the effects of the potion working slowly.  As he rode further and further, he could feel the presence of magic increasing, and that made him quicken his pace.

After riding for what seemed like hours, he came to a fork in the road, and then he heard them.  The whispering in his ears was loud and clear.  It was a woman first, calm and soft, and a man’s commanding voice spoke in second.

The young Pendragon is with them.  He might have brought his sorcerer along.  You do not know who the sorcerer is.  We should wait.

You said that you could not feel the sorcerer’s full power.  The chances are that he is just a novice.  

I felt the presence of magic such as I have never felt before.

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