24 - 39

37 5 7

Dad: Why can't orphans play baseball
Me: I'm going to regret this. Why?
Dad: Because they can't find home!

Taco bell worker: Any condiments?

Dad: Compliments? You look very nice today!
Me: I'm not hungry


Me: Dad are you alright?

Dad: No * sigh *... I'm Half LEFT
Me: Why do I even bother

27) * At the store

Worker: would you like paper or Plastic

Dad: Either, I'm Bisacktual!
Me: Here we go again
Manger: Who let him in!

Dad: How do you tell the difference between a frog and a horny toad? A frog says, "Ribbit, ribbit" and a horny toad says, "Rub it, rub it.
Me: There goes my childhood

Mom: how do I looks?
Dad: With your eyes

Both: * Laugh *
Me: I really hope I'm adopted


Dad: C I know you want to own a ranch when your older
Me: Yeah?

Dad: well What did the horse say after it tripped? "Help! I've fallen and I can't giddyup!"

Me: You have ruined my dreams

Dad: Did you hear about the circus fire?
Me: Oh my god are they okay?
Dad: Yeah there fine, It was in tents!

~Jokes to tell your friends ~

32) What do you call a cow with two legs? Lean beef. If the cow has no legs, then it's ground beef.

33)How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? Ten-tickles.

34) I'm only familiar with 25 letters in the English language. I don't know why

35)What do prisoners use to call each other? Cell phones

36)Why couldn't the bike standup by itself? It was two tired.

37)What do you call a dog that can do magic? A Labracadabrador.

38) What do you call a fish with two knees? A "two-knee" fish.

39)You know what the loudest pet you can get is? A trumpet.

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