Lesson3: God the Son.

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Bible text: John 1:1-4; Hebrews 1:1-8.

Memory verse: John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth on him shall not perish but have ever lasting life"

Introduction: Jesus is the second in Trinity. The only begotten son of the father, who came to take away our sins. He came to show us exactly what God the father is like,and to reconcile us back to him.

Study guide: (1)

God the son is the express image of his father: Hebrews 1:3a.

(A). Jesus has the divine nature like his father. Hebrew 1:3.

(B). Jesus and his father have life. John 5:26.

(C). Jesus acts exactly the same way as his father does. John 8:38; john 10:30.

(D). Once you see Jesus,you see the father. John 14:7.

Study guide (2).

Relationship between God the father and God the son:

(A). To see the son is to see the father. John 12:45.

(B). To know the son is to know the father. John 6:19.

(C). To receive the son is to receive God. Mark 9:37.

(D). To honour him is to honour the father. John 5:23.

(E). To reject the son is to reject the father. Luke 10:16.

Study guide (3).

How believers should relate with God the son:(Jesus Christ).

(A). We are accept him as pur personal lord and saviour. John 1:12.

(B). We are to obey him as he obeyed the father. Phil. 2:8.

(C). We should follow in his death. 1 peter 2:21.

(D). We are to learn of him. Matthew 11:29.

(E). We are to depend on him because he is our source. Acts 17:28.

(F). We are to worship him because he commands us to do so. Hebrews 1:6.

(G). He is coming back to judge the world and take the believers home. John 5:22, John 14:1-3.

Life Application: God the son is the vine,the source of life and we are the branches,the channel of life. It is only when we draw closer to him that we bear everlasting fruits. He is the source of security,significance and fulfilment. John 15:5; Acts 17:28.

Invitation: The question you should ask yourself is 'Have I given my life to Jesus?'. You need to give your life to Jesus right now!

Conclusion: Our lord Jesus Christ,the son of God,is the way the truth and the life. And to come to the father,we can only come through him. (Jesus the first born).

Prayer: Father,I come before you and acknowledge that I am a sinner. I confess my sins to you and I want you to purge me of them so that I may be yours. I believe that you died on the cross to take my sins away. I accept you as my personal lord and saviour. Help me to do your will,o lord. Come into my life today that I would be made whole today. Thank you lord.

In Jesus name we pray (Amen).

Addition: do not be afraid to seek his face for God is always ready to accept you no matter how much of a sinner you are. He is so merciful that he would forgive of your sins and he would remove your name from the book of death and add it back to the book of life.

He would even go as far as bless you beyond your expectations. All you have to do is confess and forsake your sins, accept him in your life,worship him in spirit and in truth. Our God is an awesome God. He has done it before and he would continue to do it again and again and again.

God bless you as you do this.



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God bless you.

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