Lesson6: God Our Redeemer.

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Bible Text: Isaiah 43:1-13.

Memory Verse: Luke 1:68 "Blessed be the lord of God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people"

Central Truth: God is our redeemer through our saviour Jesus Christ.

Introduction: Mr. Stanley was accused of stealing a motorcycle by armed robbery. He was arraigned before a court and was found guilty of the offence and was sentenced to death by hanging. The only hope Mr. Stanley has is to receive a governor's pardon which is at the discretion of the governor.

Study Guide:

A. Who is a Redeemer?

A redeemer is somebody that pays the price for the release of an offender. As believers,God is our redeemer because he Jas paid the ransom for our sins. Isaiah 47:4.

B. Purpose of Redemption:

I. God redeemed us because of God's love for us. John 3:16.

II. God redeemed us so that we can become like him.

III. God redeemed us to receive the adoption of son. Galatians 4:5.

IV. God redeemed us to deliver us from the curse of the law. Galatian 3:13.

V. God redeemed us so that we can become what he had in mind when he created us. I.e His purpose or plan. Genesis 1:26,Romans 8:28-39

C. How God redeemed us.

God redeemed us by sending his son who had no sin to bear our sins and give his blood for our redemption. 1peter 1:18-19, Titus 2:14.

Life application: God's redemption plan is for all men to be saved no matter who they are; whether they see themselves as good or bad;redemption is for all of mankind. ITimothy 2:4; Roman 3:23.

Invitation: come to the redeemer today. He is ready to redeem your life from wasters and destroyers. (John 10:10)

Conclusion: Redemption is an act of God that frees us from the guilt we incurred through sin,by substituting the death of Christ for the penalty we deserve.

Prayer: father,you are the true Redeemer,please redeem my life today.

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