3 AM texts ♠ Kiyoharu

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Kiyoharu doesn't stay up late. Normally he'll stay up until 10 and that's just about it. Except when he's practicing though. Sometimes he dances until 4 and sleep for a whole 12 hours and wake up later in the afternoon and the cycle repeats itself.

Normally Kiyoharu texts you goodnight before he sleeps, but there is just one night where you can't really sleep.

And you decided to text him.

Kiyoharu? You awake?

It took him a couple of minutes to reply, but he did.

Why are you still awake at 3 AM?

I can't sleep T-T

When you can't sleep normally you have random stuffs going in your head

Well, yeah..... About that.......

Is this about that show you're into again?

Well, hahah.....

Just tell me already I wanna sleep

I was wondering...... Why is there no Sailor Earth in the Sailor Moon series?

I'm not going to talk to you anymore

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