Chapter 2: A New Friend

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At work that day, Jackie tended to a customer that was very nice and they struck up a conversation. It was a handsome guy who was also poor and didn't have much. His name was Tim. They exchanged numbers and they decided to meet at Jackie's house after she came home from work. She was excited for her little "date"

Hours later....

She got home from work. Just soon after, Tom rang the doorbell.
She opened it and he walked into her wooden house with creaky floorboards. It seemed to him like it was hundreds of years old. He looked at her and said, "How could you live here?" She started to sob. "It is all I can afford right now. I have nobody with me. I'm lonely and miserable." Tim started to talk to her about God but she kept ranting about how she was an atheist. He gave up after and he changed the topic. They talked about many different things but then it was getting late so Tim left.

She thought about the conversation they had earlier and wondered if God was the one that told her to stop when she was about to slit her wrist. She pulled out her cracked Android and went on Google. She typed in, 'Can God speak to you?' and she surely found her answer.
After reading a whole article, she still wasn't convinced so she rolled her eyes and went to bed. In her sleep, she had a dream of burning in Hell and believing in God when it was too late. She woke up so afraid that she fell off of the bed. She was panting like if she just finished a race. She shouted, "I just had a nightmare!!!" Not thinking much of God, she went back to sleep but then she had the same dream  again. This time it was more powerful. She got up feeling so sick and shaken. She picked up her phone and called Tim not even realizing that it was 3 in the morning. He answered drowsily and she told him what happened. He told her that she should buy a Bible and find a church to go to, but she refused. She said on the phone, "If God is real, he will make me have another bad dream. Maybe then I'll believe him." Tim sighed and hung up.
Jackie tried to get some more sleep. Minutes later, she woke up from another dream of burning in Hell. She couldn't take it anymore. She started to pray for forgiveness.

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