Chapter 4: Church

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After Tim kissed her, he got up and said nervously, " Im sorry but I really like you. I couldn't help myself. But anyway, I should get going. But I'll be here tomorrow at. 9 to pick you up for church.

Sunday morning

Jackie got up at 7 and got ready. She had on a old peach dress and some orange flats. She barely had any money for offering but she saw a 5 dollar and she picked it up and put it in her purse.
As soon as she put the money in, she heard a knock on her door. It was Tim. She opened the door
And saw him. Coincidentally, Tim was wearing a peach long sleeved shirt, a pink and blue tie and beige pants. Jackie went outside and Tim went to open the door for her. She smiled at him and they both went into the car. He started the car and he started to drive. Tim started to tell her about a book that he had that was about strengthening her new relationship with Christ. She was open to hearing all of his suggestions and she was eating it all up like a child who was just learning something new. Tim could see the new look on her face. She found God. She was so vibrant even though she just lost her job and she didn't get one yet. She knew that God had a plan for her.
After minutes of driving, Tim finally got to the church and he parked his car. As they were walking out together, church members were wondering who the lady was with him. Brother Thomas said to him, "Hey lad. Is that your new girlfriend?" He whispered in Brother Thomas' ear and said, "Not yet but im planning to ask her after church." Jackie wondered what secret they were talking about to each other but she didn't ask. They went through the church doors and they were immediately greeted by 2 people and they said together as if they had rehearsed it, "Welcome To the Church Of The Living God. God bless." Jackie and Tim sat in a middle row and the other church members slowly came in and took their seats. The Choir neatly came on the stage and the worship leader came up after and said to stand. Jackie, not knowing what to do because she had never been to a church in her life. Her parents forbid her from going in one because they thought that it would curse their child. She quickly realized that the church was an inviting place. They sang and praised God. After that the pastor came up and took over. Jackie looked at him and was amazed at how rich the pastor looked. He was wearing a brown suit with a orange inside shirt and it was like everything he put on had to match. His wedding ring almost blinded her. Gold and shiny at all angles was what you could say about it. He walked around the stage and then looked at the church and said in a deep sophisticated voice, "Can all the newcomers stand and come up in front so I can pray for you?" Jackie got up and scooted over to the end of the aisle and came to the front. A few people came too and the pastor smiled. He immediately went into prayer and started touching the heads of everyone that was in front. Jackie started to feel something in her soul. She started to speak in tongues and it was uncontrollable. Music started to play and she was jumping to the beat. She felt God's love and the pastor started to pray more for her and he shouted at her and he praised what God was doing to her. After a while she felt it stop but she got down on her knees and looked up to the roof of the church and said, "God, I thank you."
She went back to her seat and she hugged Tim and thanked him for bringing her there.
The pastor started to introduce himself to the new people, saying, " For the new folks, My name is Pastor Arthur Piper. I am 63 years old and I have been married for 44 years to my sweetheart Michelle. God has blessed me to bless you today Amen?" Then he started to preach. Jackie was so moved by his preaching that she had to say a quiet amen after every statement.

Tim and Jackie walked to the car together. Jackie realized that Tim seemed like he was nervous. Before they went into the car, Tim walked up to Jackie and he talked to her about how much he meant to her. He took out a ring box and he said, "will you be my girlfriend?" Jackie put her hands on her face and she said yes. He opened the ring box and there was two matching silver rings with JT4L engraved on it. They both put on their rings and went into the car. He drove her home and they went into her house together.

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