i would risk everything for you *_* <3

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amys pov

after about an hour of sobbing and thinking i have decided brad docent need this…i need to leave him and let him live his life without the trouble of a baby in the way. i have packed a suit case ready to leave. i am still convincing myself that this is for the best and brad docent need me i will only distort his courier. i wrote a note and put the ring beside it before washing my face and changing into some casual clothes. then saying god bye to the house and before i new it i was at the train satin. 

brad’s pov

“AMY AMY…BABY WERE ARE YOU” i screamed as i ran up the stairs tear forming. i burst into the room and on the desk was her ring. “no please” i whimpered tears rolling down my cheeks and everyone walked in well except the girls. “she’s gone” i sat on the bed crying and tristan comforted me while James grabbed something of the desk “she left a letter…do you want me to read it out?” he asked raising his eyebrows and i noded sniffling i had managed to stop the tears a little. 

“ drear brad,

i will always love you no matter what you do but please don’t do something stupid or blame yourself. you don’t need me plus a baby running your life so go and live it for both of us, me and your child. tell the boys i will miss them and they are the best things that ever happened to me. i wouldn’t change anything about them they are truly amazing. 

tristan please look after Lilly i can tell you like her. she is an amazing girl that deceivers more than anything i love her so much please keep her safe. o and for yourself i love you to like a brother, never change tris.

Connor well you were always the quiet one out of all of us but i still got to know you and you should also stay the same any girl would be truly happy to be with you especially my little chelsea she’s a little hyper so watch out she is just like a kid high on sugar but i love her.

James don’t think i have forgotten about you, my big brother that i never had but know i do i alway’s could tell you anything. don’t be mad at brad it was also my flat as well as his i love him please don’t hurt him. o and phoebe has told me everything she loves you James she just thought that you just wanted sex thats all and she was scared don’t hate her for it or you might regret it.

so this is my goodbye maybe we will meet again one day in the future but for know brad it’s over and out from caption A hehe just like when we were kids i love you all so much

love amy xx and baby xx”

i was in tears why did she go she wouldn’t of been in the way i love her to much for that to happen. the other boys had silent tears running down there face “w-w-were d-d-do y-you think s-sh-she will be?” James stuttered out as he placed the letter back onto my desk. i thought well we all thought then a light bulb hit me “when we were younger when her dad wanted to ‘take her mum on a special holiday’ she always went to her momar’s for help and would stay weeks on end maybe she’s there” momar is what she called her grandmother when we were younger “were dose she live?” tristan said picking up his keys “no me and James should go you stay here with the girls” i insisted and he agreed. i packed a backpack full of clothes and things i will need before slipping amy’s ring into my pocket. i went down stairs to see James had done the same thing “don’t tell the girls it will only make them upset” James said pointing to them and then we left “it’s better if we get the train it’s quicker” i insisted and we walked down the street to were the train station was i looked to see if amy was still her but no she must of got an early train.

i paid for some tickets as i new were we were going “so were dose her grandma live then?” James asked as we walked to Starbucks in the station “newcastle, i know it’s far but James i cant let her go i*” i was cut of by him “mate i know. just let’s hope we find her before she dose something to herself or that baby” don’t get me wrong i think are life is great without the baby but if i am actually going to be a daddy i’m going to love that kid more than anything and i will support both 

of them in anyway shape or form


all threw the train journey i have been trying to call amy but she won’t answer. joe has arranged a hotel and transport to and from the train station to the hotel because me and James are really sleepy. 

when we got to the hotel it was around 1am and we headed straight to bed.


amys pov

my momar is letting me stay as long as i like which made me happy that she still want’s to see me after what happened to her son but i promised her i would tell her whats going on this morning. i woke with a horrible norzia run threw my body and i ran as fast as my feet could take me to the bathroom. it wasn’t like normal sick it was a horrid orange coloured stuff. but then it came to me morning sickness because I’m pr- Wight am not even going to say it. i brushed my teeth to get the aftertaste out my mouth and walked down the stairs into the sitting room were my momar was watching a re-run of coronation street I’m not a fan of it but it’s an ok show to watch when your board. “momar i need to tell you” i sighed as i sat down “my god i couldn’t see last night but your getting chubby rant ya” omg “yeah well i am growing up” she smiled and then seen that i was series so she let me explain. 

i explained how James came into the music shop and i fainted. how me and brad got back together, when tristan kissed me and brad proposed and then the girls and how i keep forgetting things and “momar I’m…pregnant” i came straight out with it but got something i didn’t expect “o my baby” she hugged me and she sounded pleased i was so confused “what?” she pulled away “i’m going to be a great grandmoma” i giggled “yeah i guess but i don’t get how i keep forgetting things?” she smiled “pregnancy brain my dear your hormones are all over the place and if your anything like me when i was pregnant i got supper cravings, i was distracted easily and for such a small body i had a huge bump” she had that face of when your looking back at happy memory’s “why did you leave then?” she asked coming out of her thoughts “i-i think he would be better without us” i said rubbing my stumik “go up stairs hun and get dressed i will make breakfast and then we can go shopping” i jumped up “thanks momar” i kissed her on the cheek and walked back unto my room to get dressed.

when i was getting ready i heard someone at the door but i thought it might just be Brenda the lady next door coming for a catch up and a coffee. i had just finished putting on my shoes when there was a knock on the door. “come in” i shouted as i lay on my bed on my phone “amy” a very familiar Birmingham voice calmly said from the door “brad your not ment to be here” i sat up shook filling my face “ i have to i love you amy…more than you can imagine and i would risk everything for you” i started to tear up and he sat beside me “brad I’m pregnant and i don’t want to give it up?” i looked to my hands “i know nether do i” he looked at me smiling and i kissed him.

will they live happily ever after……

find out in the next book ‘boy or girl?’ 

A/N: sorry to cut the book so short but i think a new start would be a good thing for the story line. thanks for reading your the best. please vote and comment about the book 

now for some questions

1) what would you like to happen in the next book?

2) how did you find my fanfic?

3) do you like it so far?

4)would you like the baby to be a boy or a girl?

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